
Claim nice comment. I can grant, 10 feedings, a 38R AC pup, random relic or 5CP.

Claim 5 CP on Divine Night in my den.
I can grant: Toucan feather Bald eagle feather A warm quote in your comments box Any pup/wolf outside the folder Free breeding to any of my wolves (including females)
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Claim bald eagle feather Can grant: 5CP, 10 mush, nice comment, or some relic in my inventory-

Claim 5 cp, on my wolf Oscar please . I can grant: . 10 feedings Snowy Owl Feather 3 Free breedings to any male in my den

Claim breedings! Can grant: Flexible rp partner 2 free male wolves from my den 1 nice comment + paws + friends 20 feedings

Claim, Comment+Paw+Friend(I value friend ship more) I can grant: a custom oc(pm me a base and color palette) Breedings to my wolves. (you can keep the pups, If I don't see any I don't like. Mind you sorry if I don't reply fast I usually get on around once every few months) Edited at June 23, 2021 04:00 PM by Sproot

Claim custom Can grant: 20 mush, nice comment, random relic

claim 20 mush can grant nice comment+paws 20 feedings free pup from female of your choice

Claim pup! Can grant: Flexible rp partner 25 feedings Any three of my males

Claim three males. I can grant: Geode Puschkinia 2 Chinese Pottery