
Claim feedings I can grant: -Any item that is in my market den. -30 mush -Pixel art of your oc(headshot). Edited at March 31, 2021 02:40 PM by Dojejes Wolf Pack

Claim pixel art I can grant: Headshot art 10 mush geode

Claim headshot art - I can grant: one commission 5 feedings

Claim Commission! ------ going a bit big here, lol A breeding to any wolf of mine (and you get pick of the litter) 400 Mushrooms 1 little head/shot avatar like my own.
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Claim Mush! ----- You went big, I will go big :3
A bald eagle feather 3 geodes A toucan feather A breeding to any male or female free with all the pups.
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Claim the breeding -- I can offer 1 green potion 1 red potion Free breeding to any male wolf Free wolf not in folder 3 robin feathers Edited at March 31, 2021 07:27 PM by Greenfall

Claim the Robin feathers I can grant: -Any item that is in my market den. -60 mush -Pixel art Headshot(I can usually do headshot pixel art better then fullbody pixel art) of your oc(Tell me which oc you would like me to do). Edited at March 31, 2021 08:51 PM by Dojejes Wolf Pack

I claim the mush. ---- I can grant One wolf from my den (not in folder) for free One free breeding at anytime you want to one of my males Red potion Green potion

claim red potion . . . I'm ale to grant.. - a free breeding to a crystalline chimera female (entire litter is yours; currently pregnant, will pop and jasmine for you) - headshot icon of any canine (no wolfplay wolves) or feline character - 15 feedings Dreki - 150 mushrooms - any unnamed wolf in my den (excluding Chim4 55R 3T)

Claim the free breeding to Crystal chim(I will need to free range or retire some wolves) I can grant: -Any item that is in my market den. -60 mush -Pixel art Headshot(I can usually do headshot pixel art better then fullbody pixel art) of your oc(Tell me which oc you would like me to do). Edited at April 3, 2021 11:03 PM by Dojejes Wolf Pack