
Claim 2 pup toys please. ---- I can grant +44 hero wolf 8 feedings A paws up on anything you want Robin feather Edited at March 4, 2021 02:37 PM by Greenfall

Claim +44 hero wolf! ~~~ I can grant: 25 mush 15 feedings A roleplay, anything you want as long as I know it

claim 15 feedings . . I can grant: a free breeding to a chimera 4 ruby female a free studding to a 122 rarity 10 talent greyscale male a free unshaded icon (wolf only; no wolfplay wolves)

claim breeding to chim . I can grant: ptarmigan feather berry tart free breeding to any male

Claim Ptarmigan feather ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can grant: A custom palette (premium only) A breeding to either a diamond or melanistic custom stud A pixel bio divider

Can I claim the breeding. --- I can grant A robin feather 8 feedings A green healing potion

(Get this rolling again) Claim feather ~~~~~~~~~ I can grant: A pup from one of my females (either unborn or already there) A custom pixel divider A 40+ AC female 4 robin feathers 2 health potions 2 apple seeds Random decor or gear

Claim 40+R female. ------------------------------------- I can grant: 20 mush A 38 or 28R pup 5 feedings A random relic Edited at March 12, 2021 12:56 PM by Vineheart

Edited at March 12, 2021 12:54 PM by CriesInTheNight
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Claim the 20 mush. ---- I can grant A green healing potion 10 feedings A wolf of your choice except from in my folder.