
"We've gotta get Luna and the others first." He walked back to the camp and saw that Luna was not there. He sniffed the air and caught her scent. Farris started to track her. "I'll be back in a bit guys," he told the others.

Tear Ivy She trotted through the woods, scanning hopefully for a shelter. "Let's split up," she told her sister. "Cover more ground." She trotted away from Luna and let out a sigh of relief. Now she could finally relax! All the other wolves stressed her out... She was used to being on her own. She broke into a gentle lope, scanning around. She caught the scent of a rabbit, and her stomach growled. She chased it down and ended its life quickly. Picking it up in her mouth, she looked around and went back the way she came, where the others were. "Caught some food," she mumbled around the fur of the rabbit. She dropped it lightly.

"Yeah, what Farris said." Inti was pleased that someone else summarized the story for him.

Luna perked her ears on her way back. She could smell another wolf. She growled lightly. Then, she stopped realizing she knew the scent. Farris! She thought, trotting towards him. Then, she saw him. Dropping the rabbits, she said, "What are you doing here?" She wagged her tail though, happy to see him. They must've been leaving soon if he came to find her. She picked up the rabbits again, watching Farris and waiting for him to answer.

Farris watched Luna trot up to him. "Hey Luna," he said with a smile. "I was just coming to find you because we're leaving soon."

paws was not to far from inti as she colleced some herbs and such she found on the floor

Night helped paws out, by picking some more herbs.

paw nods "thank you.." she said to night as she put the herbs into her bag

Inti saw Night and Paws. "May I help you while the rest of the group easts and gets ready to continue?"

I don't see why not." Night replied, picking some yarrow.