
+They walk towards the other with a shake of their head, before they grave the other side of the cart helping the other push, their light brown hair still a little dusty from when he fell, they grave their backpack along the way with another sigh+ "well at least nothing important was in there...only my lunch, all well wasn't hungry anyway" +They say before they to look at the humanoid with a tilt of their head a smile still plastered on their face. Shaking their head+ "I'll be fine...plus this isn't the first time something like this went untreated" Edited at May 15, 2022 09:33 PM by Free-Claw12

(I've never had a derealization episode myself, so I don't know how to help-) They remained silent, pulling the cart back into town, the small jar around their neck thumping against their chest. (sorry, I got nothing else for right now- :( )

(Is everyone okay? I got a bit worried-)

(I'm doing alright. Just having a hard time coming up with a decent reply.)

(That's okay, just needed to know you were alright :) )



The man shakes his head and blinks. He seems a bit lost and his eyes had clouded over for a minute but they're clearing up now. Something seems to be bothering him but he's doing his very best to keep it hidden. "I'm sorry. I.... I'm afraid I wasn't quite there for a moment." He apologizes with a nervous sounding chuckle. "What was it you said?" (Sorry for the delay. Life got a bit weird but things are getting better now.)

+He tilts his head at the other male, and frowns, he seems lost and in need of help. Turnin his head back towards the other he smiles before he asks+ . "That guy he seems lost..If you dont mind I will go and see if he needs help and then come back to help" . +His voice was soft when he spoke offering them a warm smile before he heads into the direction of the male and smiles warmly, opening his mouth to speak again+ . 'Are you ok sir?...Do you need help"

(AA I forgot this forum for a while cause I finally moved, I am so sorry D:)