
name + number: Howling to the moon // 305816 character:

Pack name and number: 299231 // Salem I only have a description 'cause I haven't gotten to getting art for him yet. He's supposed to be a really chill dude with social anxiety ^^ It would fit him to be sitting on a chair/couch/bean bag and being on his phone or somethin' like that
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Haven't posted here in a hot second! :0 Please do me a favour and read this post before posting ! I have some free time coming up, looking to doodle some stuff. If you have mechanical or partially mechanical OCs, please post them! :0 Any species is fine, including humanoids. If you don't have mech OCs, anything vaguely dystopian or sci-f would be neat! I'm also looking for more developed idea with posing/expression. An example request could look like:https://toyhou.se/17615835.serkai This guy in a cold, forested environment, standing at the top of a rock pile with a stern/focused expression.Or Val sitting in a coffee shop looking out of the window as multiple police cars drive past.You're welcome to post things that *don't* match this, but this is what I'm interested in drawing at the moment! :0 So grab your space adventurers, lab creatures and dystopian monstrosities! :D

This girl, a dystopian protector, sitting, staring at something just out of frame, waiting, watching...a almost hidden intelligence in her eyes, the world is still around her, it's almost as if the half dead forest stills in her presence. Waiting with her in silence....The smallest ruffle sounded, ringing into the quite forest, Cora stands posed, calm but ready, Then she leaps.... (different positions availible because i think her her design is a bit hard, Sitting and watching warily, leaping at something out of frame, standing calm but almost in anticipation. All with a dead or half dead forest in the background if you feel like doing one.) Edited at March 21, 2024 03:40 PM by Otso

this guy isn't exactly a mech inspired OC, but he is dystopian themed ^^ he's the result of apocalyptic radiation and now roams the earth alone; searching for any other survivors.
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Game Moderator Neutral
I offer Eclipse the Cyberhound Eclipse could have front leg up as she is figures out the best way to start a race or staring at a butterfly that landed on her paw. She is gentle so standing with a leg out with a butterfly on her paw and watching it is something she would do. Just Ember the fox (I have proof I can use her) Ember laying down with a annoyed look as she watched something. Her lip could be curled a little but not much as she is more annoyed than anything. One front leg could be over the other like they are crossed.
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i offer this boy I would like to see him in a Dystopian apocalyptic setting sitting on the roof of a building overlooking a destroyed/apocalyptic city, with a few supplies next to him such as canned food and water and a knife. Edited at March 23, 2024 02:17 AM by Stalking the Shadows

Pack Number: 311551 Its not mech, but hoping for a banner of a sleepy black cat admist some cherry blossoms, Heavy emphasis on sleepy because of the pack name., and if you could please add me pack name as well please <3 Thank you for your time and I totally understand if you dont want to do this, if you dont, please lmk so I can keep looking at other art shops

I was thinking maybe he's laying in the middle of a meadow wandering or in a forest wondering how he got in the middle of a pixie ring A more interesting one could be Epiphany in a very peaceful, bright looking forest with large puddles reflecting something completely different (a dark forest, maybe?) I imagine it to be an alternate reality worse than where he is currently type situation?
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Kyrix isnt exactly mechanical.
Maybe he could be laying in a dark forest with light shining on him, his mask laying on the floor next to him. Or him sitting next to a cave while its lightning storming with either his mask on or off.