
Pack Number 277512 OC Ref Karma (TH) OC Credits TH page OC Personality Karma has quite a strong personality, she is cunning, sly, mischievous, manipulative, and can be malicious at times. Also, she is definitely one to flirt, even if it's just to get her way. Read terms of service? Yes Anything else? Karma has some main scars, I drew them on her little sketch though they may be hard to point out because they are drawn in black. One is across her muzzle, one along her spine, and one on her hind leg. Edited at January 4, 2023 09:21 PM by Black Tie Affair

Keres (male), my wolf OC and Mirror (female) his side-kick weasel.

Pack Number: 227432 OC personality: She's a playful tease, has no sense of self preservation, doesn't take anything seriously, and is extremly clumsy. (The personality on her TH page is very outdated)
Read terms of service? yes
Anything else?: She's the goddess of Chaos, and the piercings on her ears and nose can be pretty much anything, as well as the red paint on her face.

Edited at February 28, 2023 09:09 PM by Rough Terrains

Pack Number: 161115 OC ref: https://toyhou.se/19812897.vex OC Credits: N/A OC personality: Sweet, Gentleman, Protective of those he loves Read terms of service?; Yep, yep ^^ Anything else?: If doing full body/half body please reference his vest suit aka avatar of him. I would love to see him in your style :D

Pack Number: 293355 OC personality: Beatrix is a very happy and innocent girl. You'll often see her ignoring the world around her and simply admiring flowers or other parts of nature. Anything else?: Her hair goes to her mid back when not in buns. Her favorite color is blue and she loves Dahlias Edited at February 28, 2023 09:32 PM by Cider Season

Pack Number: 264547 OC Ref: This isn't really an oc, apologies for the lack of a reference image, but it is a reference image I'd like made, actually! More specifically, I need some generic lineart reference images of a canine anthropomorphic character from the front and side views. We can discuss more details in PMs if you want to do this ^^ OC Personality: N/A Terms and Conditions have been read! Anything else?: Nope, that just about covers everything!

Redwine1 on TH Or Redwine here :D Personality- (Loves, Flowers,Birds, Nature ect) - Description from Redwine -Melody enjoys roaming around in nature and she also have many different favourite types of flowers that she somehow lost track of her most favourite one. Please could she maybe be drawn like gazing wistfully at like something xD

if you choose her obviosly :D

Pack Number: 280664 OC ref: OC personality: Calm|Caring|Kind|Patient|Protective|Selfless|Wise|Reserved|Gentle|Motherly| Read terms of service? Yep ^^ Anything else?: If This Character Doesn't Interest You, You're More Than Welcome To Take A Look At My Other Oc's Here! ^^