
Sounds good to me. We shall await what Tea says then.

Omg guys I'm so sorry I've been super busy - can someone give me a basic rundown

It's all good, Tea. But Wander should probably be the one to explain things because my brain isn't working at full capacity right now lol.

We've only discussed characters so far really. I pitched a few ideas for my own, which I've narrowed down to the following:
-Sagar Ivo (I will be adjusting his age to make him more suitor acceptable) -A servant girl who is having an affair with one of the twins -An old woman who is knowledgable and experienced, sharing stories of the past and was alive before the last dragon passed -A Pallave heir, possibly the twin that is not having the affair
I'm unsure if you read Terebinth's idea for the twins, but it is on page 2 I believe.
We haven't decided much plot aside from later on throwing in magic once the couples are situated and things like that. The old woman will become a lot more important later on if we decide to go down that road.
I believe that's it lol. The heir I plan to make does not have to be the twin unless, you, Tea, decide that you want to make him or whatever lol. It doesn't really matter to me.

Okay, I think I understand lol I'm sorry, I have a really hard time taking in a lot of information at a time >.> -- I can definitely do a twin if we think that would be fun I'll probably bump Lindon over and I can do some more characters too :0

Don't worry, Tea, you're good :) ~ But uh, I'm playing the twin with the affair so you want to play the other twin?

This is my twin idea Terebinth Wolves said: When you can only type with one hand because your kitten is sleeping on the other... Anyways, I had an awesome idea for more dramatics with your servant girl, Wander. What if the noble/knight she's in an affair with is the twin to one of the Pallave kids? Like I was thinking twins would be a bad omen in this world so when the king and queen had a set of twins they gave one to one of their most trusted noble family. So the number two twin(the one who got given away) knows about everything but no one eles besides the king, queen and noble family know. So it would be even more troublesome if people were to find out about the affair because chances are things would be dug up and the twin would be revealed :0 Of course, it's just an idea and you don't have to use it, but I thought it would be fun to have chaos galore XD

Unless Wander wants to? I don't mind playing whoever

Wait i just went through my characters and I have a girly that would be fun :0 or would it mess up gender ratios?

For the twin? So girl/boy twin instead of two boys?