
This is my first time attempting this, and I couldn't find anything like it from the past to base it off of, so I'm sort of just playing it by ear for now ^^"
This season might be a bit scuffed as I've had no one to test the roles out on. If a role seems too overpowered, I'll nerf it pretty quick, but it all really depends on how our characters will use their abilities. There are multiple killing roles, but there are also multiple blocking/savior roles so it all comes down to how you play and what allies you make.
Oh. And I was also planning to not tell people who was on their team, just so I could laugh if the murderer kills their buddy, but I'll leave that up to you guys if you want to know your teammates or not.

The way I see it is if I did inform people who was the same role as them, selfish and neutral roles would get no information, as their teams don't have to work together and they're just supposed to do their own thing. Meanwhile good and evil roles can win so long as they slaughter the opposite alignment, so they can just kill everyone else willly nilly with no risk towards themselves.
I think leaving roles and teams unknown will be good for adding that bit of hesitation when deciding who to use what powers on. You WANT to get rid of the opposite team, but you have to be careful because you can unknowingly kick your own teammates out as well. Edited at April 6, 2022 08:57 AM by Ellyllon

Yeah I really like that premise. I assume it will be okay for the characters to discuss this among themselves? I imagine a good old fashioned murder mystery a la Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes etc, where the characters are forced together, and there's all sorts of intrigue and accusations, and people forming a sort of alliance (here it would be trying to figure out who is on your "team" - but you can't fully trust what anyone is saying...). Unless you don't really want the characters to discuss it between each other, and just keep their suspicions to themselves?

Essentially characters have free range of the mansion, except the front door which is bolted shut. Most of the rooms are left up to the players to create as they wish, but there are a few set in stone.
Your idea, to shove everyone in a room to talk, is a feature! Every evening, our characters are invited to have dinner in the grand dining hall, where they can discuss who is what, what suspicions they have, and anything else. And the end of it I planned to have an optional vote to decide who to kick out, as some roles would be unable to do much about their suspicions.
Characters May also discuss anything at anytime. They don't have to be at discussion to point fingers, it's just the only time they can actually vote for a person to be executed. You can totally talk about roles and characters and such, but all of that needs to stay in the roleplay forum to prevent cheating.
Basically, as long as you aren't announcing your role OOC (such as in the disscusion forum) or PMing people to ask about their roles, have at it :)

Oh yeah no OOC slip-ups! But I'm looking forward to some "Oh that guy looks real shady, I bet he's a killer!", or "I don't even care if she has killed anyone or not - she rubs me the wrong way and I wouldn't be sad to see her go..." x)

Ezra is the type to just not trust anyone XD

Oh yes. Anyone can be on any teams. You could have the sweetest little lady end up being a cold blooded killer.
Of course, you all get some control in your roles, as you get one chance to respin, but for the most part a characters appearance/personality is irrelevant. That's what makes it so fun! ^^

So- If there are multiple killing roles and there is a specific time to use abilities, would multiple people die in one night? Edited at April 6, 2022 10:40 AM by Mushroom Grace

Possibly. There will be a grace period at first, no one will die on the first day and sequential night.
But murderer is the only constant killing role. Some may have a chance to hurt people, some may be able to kill one person and then they're done, and others may have a specific person to target. It all depends on what roles get spun.

Ohhhhh ok! That makes sense