
>:) This is going to be amazing-

Can't wait for this to start!

This will start in 3 days, or when everyone had completed their sheets, whichever comes first :)


This is gonna be awesome!!


Since almost everyone has filled out their sheets, I figure now is a good time to ask.
Do you guys want a list of roles at the beginning of the RP? Or would you rather I keep them a surprise until a character dies, revealing their role?

Do you mean who is what role, or just a list of which roles exist? Because I would rather not know :)

Just a list of roles exist and what they do. I planned to only reveal a role after that specific character's death/exit, but I figured it'd be best to let y'all decide on that.
I do however, plan to reveal a very broad explanation of what CAN exist, not necessarily what anyone has, since there's more possible roles than players.

I guess it depends on how much our characters are supposed to know about these roles? If they need to know in order to try an "sus out" people, then I guess knowing potential roles is good :)