
This is the first time that I have sufficient free time to do so and actually have the motivation to write a roleplay response in full, but I have nothing to write for. A shame.

Lackadaisy that is viciously tragic :( I would draft a post but I feel bad posting again before so many people have :P

I didn't realize there had already been two posts and people getting ready for their second post Sorry for being so late, I'm just gonna be able to do Mara but I'll get his out within the next hour or so? Maybe two hours ^^"
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Got minorly distracted and got myself a drink and now I have to wait for my hands to unfreeze before I start writing again ^^"
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Hmm.. Trying to decide if I should post for Tatum or hold off..

sorry for the holdup everyone luckily finals are finished and i'm officially on break, so i should be active more often. My activity will defiently increase after the holidays :)

I'm working on Janelle ^^ Poor girl is probably going to be a guilty stressed mess though XD

I'll try to get something going for Stellan and then a reply for Mara, probably sandwiching them together for just one post. It'll probably be posted on.. Sunday night or Monday morning, hopefully ^^
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I will probably not get a Beau or Donnie post out tonight, it's been a bit of a day, but I will definitely have both out by tomorrow :,) -- let me know if any of you all would like your character or anything mentioned in either post <3

Merry Christmas everyone! <3