
I could help with making one, if anybody likes ^^

Jschlatt, ask Christmas Tree they are making one. I like your profile pic by the way.

Who is all interested in becoming Alpha Female? I need a head count XD

M I S E R Y said: Who is all interested in becoming Alpha Female? I need a head count XD
Sorry not me, Duches's crush on Wing is making her not want to be one.... drama.... XD

Wait does Silver have crush on Alex?

Also I want to add an evil wolf Malakai. Maybe later on.

Jschlatt said: I could help with making one, if anybody likes ^^
I'm currently working on it. But I'm sure the offer is appreciated <3

Also I am kinda stuck. Lilith is waiting for Cassia. So I can't use her. And Killian.. Well he is quite boring now that I used him.

I finished it. I'll PM Misery for approval

I'm waiting for something i n t e r e s t i n g to happen Nirvana_Sky said: Also I am kinda stuck. Lilith is waiting for Cassia. So I can't use her. And Killian.. Well he is quite boring now that I used him.