
Introducing two new studs!: Moldy Sponge: G2, HW, +6V, 30 R AC, Leucism, Surpassing valor Discounted price: 0 mushrooms Normal price: 40 mushrooms - Discounted price: 0 mushrooms (PM me!) Normal price: 30 mushrooms --- As you probably know all alliances i'm part of gets discount on all studs! Just PM me so you can get it discounted! I also have discounted POL breedings here ( POL breedings) as you know :-))) - Good day! Edited at April 6, 2024 07:30 AM by Leo's

soo, due to my premium running out i no longer have access to anything alliance related :') i'm unable to make apples at the moment, so premium is off the table. . when i am able to get it again, i will immediately disperse any mushrooms/apples in our alliance store between all members (unless everyone would rather have a contest). Edited at June 20, 2024 05:52 PM by distant-lands

Sounds good :3 A contest could be fun but I'm not sure what we'd be doing
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for contest ideas, maybe art or writing? not very creative but i'm not sure what else to do for a contest, custom wolf designing? :^

if anyone new wants their stud featured on the alliance page, let me know ^^

Not a stud just yet but will be soon
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we're nearing 10k mushrooms in the alliance stash ^^ when we reach that, i'll probably just distribute it evenly across all the still-active members. unless you'd all rather have a contest?