
LETTUCE POWERS lol ummm, going through walls? Dreamwalking? (Much Jayfeather vibes)

Lettuce powers sounds best

He has little gray blobs around his paws. Power stuff?

I was going to say that's a shadow, but the light gets through them perfectly and their eyes are probably light sources themselves, so... maybe it's dust or maybe it's power stuff...

One of their powers must be manipulating technological devices (for obvious reasons).

Oh yes. Yes indeed. But we must question... Why is the Ghost Pup haunting the black phase wolves so specifically? Do they hold something against them?

Excuse me, what do you mean by black phase?

Black phase wolf is a pelt defect, the wolf is black as a pup and starts turn lighter with age


Three hypotheses come to my mind: Number one: Revenge. Maybe the pup was mistreated or abandoned by a group of wolves with this specific trait and they are taking exaggerated (to not say discriminatory) revenge. Number two: Self-Presentation. Perhaps the pup had this condition in life but his appearance never changed much due to their death at such a young age. They're only appearing in front of black-faced wolves to show what they might have looked if they had reached adulthood. Number three: Symbolism. It could be that the wolf appears in front of the black phase wolves using them as a symbol of change, giving a clue about one or more important changes in the past, present, or future, which may or may not be caused by The Ghost Pup.