
I just made my first OC! Help me name her? She is a sweet girl, but sometimes very shy. If you get to know her, she becomes very feisty and fun! I honestly don't know what kind of name I'm looking for, but it should match her looks and personality. A nature-y kind of name would be nice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Names I like so far: Rose Delilah Wildfire Jewel Lilac Cora Dream Amara Cloud Cassi Sunday Mist Azalea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Probably going to make a poll out of this too XD Edited at May 1, 2020 10:53 AM by Suwunstone

What type of names are you looking for

Oh I should add that haha The devils said: What type of names are you looking for


Hey, Sunstone! I know you like horses! Me too. My Mom used to have a pony named Lollipop. I thought I'd just suggest that name because of the candy pink and purple colors. Your horse is very pretty, indeed!

Flower, sky, delielah, dandylion, rose, sun,

A gift for my friend! 😉 ;)


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Poppy, Rose, Sunny, Jewel, Ivy
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Dark Moonrose said: A gift for my friend! 😉 ;)
Well, I have a new favourite video! Love this, thanks!