
OFFICIALLY OPEN! -- The Emron species is something I made a while ago that was originally known as Scarlet Cheetacs. I wanted to do something with it and the majority of those who voted said I should sell them as a closed species. To do this I needed to make traits and stuff, so that's what I'm working on. Please be patient with me as I don't have the mental capability to do this very quickly. If I'm missing something please just kindly remind me. Thank you! -- I'm starting with wings because I want to. Then you just have to specify the bird type that you're using. Large birds are common, small birds are uncommon, and corvids are rare. Any fantasy bird is a mutation. Edited at February 25, 2024 04:49 AM by Suspicious Stew



All fox breeds are common. Big cat breeds are common, domestic cat breeds are uncommon, and fantasy cat breeds are mutations. -- Prices: Common - 5 mush for each common trait Uncommon - 10 mush for each uncommon trait Rare - 15 mush for each rare trait Mutation - 30 mush for each mutation Extras - 5 mush for each extra thing you want to add with my permission -- Purchase Sheet: Pack Name: Pack Number: Cat Breed: Bird Breed: Fox Breed: Traits: Any Extras?: Total Cost: Your Emron's Name: -- Small Warning: I will not be drawing these so please name it when you make it. Edited at March 31, 2024 12:04 AM by Suburban Disaster

Purchase Sheet: Pack Name: Moonlight Wolf Pack Number: 304773 Cat Breed: leopard Bird breed: hummingbird Fox breed: red fox Traits: four wings, four paws, long tail, cat tail, medium paws, tiny wings Any Extras?: green eyes, cat ears please Total Cost: 40 mush+100 mush Your Emron's Name: Name it when I see it Edit: I've fixed this, is it right? Edited at February 25, 2024 02:43 PM by Moonlight wolf

So, can you please read all of it? I will not be drawing your Emron unless I am paid an extra 100 mush, and you need to calculate the cost of your Emron using the prices I have listed. Moonlight wolf said: Purchase Sheet: Pack Name: Moonlight Wolf Pack Number: 304773 Cat Breed: fantasy cat Traits: Uncommon wing size and number, common paws and leg number, common tail Any Extras?: Total Cost: No idea Your Emron's Name: Name it when I see it? I feel like I have done this wrong, please tell me if I have
Edited at February 25, 2024 12:42 PM by Suspicious Stew

Pack Name: Willow Pack Number: 300275 Cat Breed: Snow leopard Bird Breed: White owl Fox Breed: Arctic fox Traits: Long tail, Cat tail, four legs, Small paws, Large wings, and four wings. Any Extras?: Maybe light blue eyes?? Little ears. Like the snow leopard ears. (Black tongue.) Total Cost: 80 mush +100 extra mush? Your Emron's Name: I'll name it when i see it. <3 Edited at February 25, 2024 01:03 PM by ♡Willow♡

Hey, so you were really close, but the traits mean what physical traits you picked and I am not going to be drawing yours unless I am paid an extra 100 mush. Please edit your sheet! ♡Willow♡ said: Pack Name: Willow Pack Number: 300275 Cat Breed: Snow leopard Bird Breed: White owl Fox Breed: Arctic fox Traits: Shy, Loving, And loves to snuggle Any Extras?: Long tail maybe?? Total Cost: 135 mushrooms? Your Emron's Name: I'll name it when i see it. <3

Suspicious Stew said: Hey, so you were really close, but the traits mean what physical traits you picked and I am not going to be drawing yours unless I am paid an extra 100 mush. Please edit your sheet! ♡Willow♡ said: Pack Name: Willow Pack Number: 300275 Cat Breed: Snow leopard Bird Breed: White owl Fox Breed: Arctic fox Traits: Shy, Loving, And loves to snuggle Any Extras?: Long tail maybe?? Total Cost: 135 mushrooms? Your Emron's Name: I'll name it when i see it. <3
Okay! I pay the mush when you accept it.

Yes, I know that, but you need to fill out the sheet properly first and tell me explicitly if you want art done. ♡Willow♡ said: Suspicious Stew said: Hey, so you were really close, but the traits mean what physical traits you picked and I am not going to be drawing yours unless I am paid an extra 100 mush. Please edit your sheet! ♡Willow♡ said: Pack Name: Willow Pack Number: 300275 Cat Breed: Snow leopard Bird Breed: White owl Fox Breed: Arctic fox Traits: Shy, Loving, And loves to snuggle Any Extras?: Long tail maybe?? Total Cost: 135 mushrooms? Your Emron's Name: I'll name it when i see it. <3
Okay! I pay the mush when you accept it.