
Ariethous; "Tests..? Radioactive potassium..?- You know what? That's fine. All fine. I'm good with that stuff. Just don't do that to Axel or Cal and we're all good." *Hugs the two closer.* - Nabih; *Looking at everyone before shaking his head lightly.* "They don't hurt. Honestly, I've already had it done to me before guys. It's completely painless and harmless. It's kind of like a more hands-on personality test. And yes, Dr. Dythi, I do one once a year as recommended."

Dr. Dythi: Oh, don't be a baby! Not a one of my patients has died from treatment, and many showed accelerated recovery! I have the charts to prove it, too!

Axel: *Just happy to be cuddled and not really paying attention* Leroy: *Still holding knife and looking suspiciously at the Dr.* Ethan: *Cuddles closer to fuzz*

Ariethous; *Stares at Dr. Dythi with suspicion.* - Nabih; "You should probably show them the charts, Dr. Dythi. I doubt they'll listen if you don't."

Cal: Hey fun fact Dr. D, you're a bitch! *Cal flips off Dr. Dythi with both hands* Also fun fact, you can get sued for child endangerment for this. See you in court biiiiiiiiiiiitch! *angrily hides his face in Aries's chest and holds Axle tighter*

Dr. Dythi: Oh, fine. *Pulls down one of those ceiling-mounted projector screen rolls and uses a remote to activate an overhead projector. The screen flashes to several graphs, all detailing recovery rates of patients in correlation to Dythi's treatments. It's all positive* See?

Dr. Dythi: Oh, kid, this is all totally legal. Nabbsy over here already claimed to be your guardian, and he's already signed all the consent forms! This is all completly above-board and legit!

Nabih; "She is right. Everything here is completely legal, Cal. It's why they have everyone sign consent forms as soon as they enter the building."

Cal: Then why. The hell. Is there iron bars in a goddamn therapy center?? What is this? Some secret sex dungeon at night? This is so unorthodox and such bullshit!!! *hugs boyfriends best friends closely*

Nabih; "Because Dr. Dythi loves to give her clients a good scare before the session actually starts. It makes for a good icebreaker. The only reason it didn't work on me the first time I came is because my father had told me about it."