
TJ: *Begins rocking side to side like a baby cradle* By the laws of the bears, this cub is mine now. If anyone dares to touch him, I will go on a rampage the likes of which the world has never seen.

Nabih; "Please sit down, Leroy. Here, you can even sit next to me for if I get too emotional." - Ariethous; *Stares at the people laying on him.* "I am now your emotional support during this session."

Oh my god, Ariethous the emotional support twig

Cal: *evil gremlin giggles* Jokes on you Dr!! I hate your guts and now I have my bestfriends hugging me so I will not stop relentlessly torturing you till you let me leave!

Leroy: *Abruptly stops screaming to go sit next to Nabih* Fine, I'll protect you. Axel: Yay! See, everything's fine. *Happy boi*

Dr. Dythi: *Tents fingers in front of her face like a supervillain* Who's to say this isn't the optimal outcome? You can't expect to hold out forever, and my time is infinite. *Steel bars slam down over the exit and windows* You are now stuck here, and will not be able to leave until I allow it. Those bars should keep you in quite nicely. Don't worry, you won't starve.

Ariethous; *Looking around.* "So we're in a cage either way? Cool, cool..." *Subconsciously hugs Axel and Cal closer.* - Nabih; *Sighs.* "Thank you, Leroy. And Dr. Dythi, I suggest not completely terrifying them just yet, these people didn't even know you existed until today, so they don't know what to expect. I, at least, know what I'm getting into since I've been here before."

Dr. Dythi: Oh, little Nabs, you should have never let them come here. I just can't wait to get to the tests! So much I can do with all of you. Oh! What are your opinions on the intruduction of radioactive potasium to the brain in order to determine the exact pathing of thought processes?

Axel: *Hugs Aries back* It's okay! We're all just trapped together! Leroy: *Glaring Dr. Dythi intimidatingly* Touch any of them and I will murder you. *Moves closer to Nabih and holds knife handle*

Dr. Dythi: Kid, I woudn't off any of my test subjects! Or put them through something that would result in long-term health issues! Why, Nabs over there was one of my subjects for a good while, and he's not cancerous yet! You still getting those screenings, by the by?