
Ariethous; "You know what? I think I'd prefer the cage. But, alas, I am the emotional support." - Nabih; "Wow. That wasn't even a lie. That's almost worrying." *Sits down on a beanbag.* - Ariethous; "How is that worrying? Cages are fairly cool, I think. Though, I guess not everyone can appreciate all the mythology that comes with them." *Stands to the side of the room just like he did in the train.*

Cal: Oh is this therapy??? Ohhhhhhhh! So that's what this is! Well can I either have my scitzo drugs or just go sit in a corner and listen to music?

Ariethous; *Turning to Cal.* "What? No! I mean, you can have the medication and all... But you still have to talk to the therapist! No offense, but you do need the therapy. Besides, you'll have me and Axel as emotional support and Axel will need us for emotion support."

Cal: *slouches into floor before folding his arms like a toddler* I don't need this stupid fucking helluva therapy shithole crap...! *more grumbling ensues while Cal goes and hugs Aries*

Ethan: *Falls asleep to avoid talking about emotions.* Axel: *Finally stops coughing* Okay, I'm down if I get cuddles while this is happening. Leroy: *Starts screaming bloody murder because he can't handle his fucking emotions and just wants to be left alone*

TJ: *Throws a stuffed dragon at Leroy* Hush, not all the feelings are yours.

Ariethous; *Awkwardly hugs Cal back.* - Nabih; *Looking at Leroy* "Oh my god- Leroy, please stop screaming. You don't have to start talking yet. The sessions just work by whoever wants to start us off gets to and then everyone just gets to talk or bring something up whenever they feel like it or whenever it fits. But everyone has to say something by the end of it, otherwise the session doesn't end. So please, Leroy, just sit down. If you need something or if something becomes too much during the session, just let me or Dr. Dythi know and you'll be escorted to a bathroom to wash up and compose yourself before either coming back or waiting in the lobby."

Cal: Axeeeeeeel!! Join the cuddle corner with me and Aries 'cause I don't want to talk to Dr. McBitchFace and I what more hugs!!! *turns and glares at Dr. Dythi before sticking tongue out* I will grow more depressed over raw spite for you!!! Edited at April 18, 2021 06:56 PM by Determined_Wolf

Dr. Dythi: *Cackling* Oh, please do! That would just be so interesting! Is it even possible? Or can the human mind do whatever the fuck it wants when it gets set on something?

Axel: *Lays on top of Aries and Cal* Not so bad. Leroy: NoOOoooOOooOoooO *Continues screaming* Ethan: *Sleepy boi*