
Oh no worries- We already have a group therapist later on in the roleplay

Nabih is totally Nabs from now on. The first time Tyler sees him steal something, it's happening.

Oh fun. It's a good thing Nabih doesn't regularly steal things then XD Edited at April 18, 2021 06:24 PM by Overthink101

Ariethous; "Is Nabih some sort of traumatizing person? I wasn't aware of that... He doesn't seem toxic to me..." Nabih; "No, she means that because I required therapy in the past that any of my friends must also require therapy. Though, I'm not sure if that's how it works..."


Oof, I didn't even notice until you mentioned it XD

Dr. Dythi: The broken are attracted to each other, like magnets! You wouldn't believe how many groups there are out there that are just people with psycological issues and various traumas. It's so fascinating to study! Now, sit down so I can pry apart your skull to get at all those juicy brain bits! I pinky promise it won't cause any lasting psycological damages!

Cal: *zoning back in* Wait Aries, sorry but what's happening? I have no idea what's going on and I think my brain died on me again for the fifth time today.

Ariethous; "I'm just here for emotional support, seriously. I've never even heard about trauma in my entire life. No idea what that is." - Nabih; "And that's how you know he's lying... He's extremely obvious with it. Sit down Ariethous. You all too; Axel, Ethan, TJ, Leroy, Cal, Evie. You all need therapy." - Ariethous; "No, seriously. I don't need therapy. I'll just be the emotional support for Cal and Axel. They probably need such a thing."

TJ: *Drops into an extremly fuzzy beanbag with Ethan on his lap* EMOTIONS! We shall have them, and express them! Communication in it's truest form! Dr. Dythi: Yeah, sure, whatever kid. *Glares at Ariethous* You shall sit. You shall speak. And you will be Therapized. Or I trap you in the dungeon cells until your brain is fixed. ALright, hun?