
Therapist: *Pushes a sheepish TJ, still carrying Ethan like a football, back into the lobby, followed by a mollified security team* Why are children running amok in my halls? Oh, hey Nabih! Why're you here, thought you were done?

Nabih; *Looks over at the therapist* "Oh, hello there Dr. Dythi! I am done with therapy myself, but those are some of my friends that need therapy though. TJ and Ethan, to be exact. There's also Axel and Leroy that require therapy, they're here as well. I technically have three other friends that also need therapy but they aren't here at the moment."

Ethan: *Ultra confused Pikachu face* Axel: *Dying on the floor because sIcKnEsS* Leroy: Nope. I have no emotion but rage. I'm out. *Heads towards door.

Cal: Well haha. *does that thing from the Office where they break the fourth wall and look at the camera* That was a goodamn disaster.

Nabih; "Oh, look. Cal is here too now. He also requires therapy, Dr. Dythi."

Dr. Dythi: *Grabs nearest taser from a security guard* Right. *Hunts down one (1) Leroy* All of you! Inside. Now. *Glares at everyone* INCLUDING YOU, NABIH!

Nabih; "Ah, great. Though I do want to know why I have to come, as well. Also. We're still missing two of the people that need therapy. Ariethous and Evie. Should I call them to come here? Or should we do this first session without them- I do assume there'll be more than just this one session."

Dr. Dythi: No need. I shall rectify this. *Uses mystical Therapist powers to drag both missing childer to the office* And you are coming because the mere fact that you have attracted more traumatized teenagers means that you aren't quite as fixed as you'd like to think! Now, into the room! I have beanbags and stuffed animals.

Nabih; "I think the fact that I have become the therapist friend for all of these traumatized teenagers says that I am fairly alright now, but alright." Ariethous; *Looks around* "Well. This definitely isn't how I expected to spend my day... Where are we again, and why?" Nabih; "Therapy. I've told all of you that you all need it." Ariethous; "I don't need therapy, Nabih. But I guess I can be here for like, emotional support or something for everyone else."

Dr. Dythi: Shhh, shh, hush now child. Of course you need Therapy. You've met little Nabs. I'm sorry, but it has to happen. Don't worry, it won't hurt one bit. Now I kind of feel the need to make Dythi...