
Ethan: N-no... No, that's not... No. Axel: *Face palms* Leroy: Oh hell yes.

Cal: In my defense, you can't stop a mild pyromaniac with a Chaotic Good alignment from saving a bunch of puppies and burning the building down afterwards-

TJ: This is fact. All you can do is hope to point them in a productive direction. I have utilized that tactic before. Ever heard of when the scientists found that you can, in fact, burn water? You're welcome.

Leroy: *Pulls about 100 knives out of various areas in his clothes.* Right, who're we killing. Ethan: Nope. I'm done. Come on, Axel, let's go. Axel: Sounds good. Listen I don't care if any of you get burned or stabbed, I'm not going to heal you when you're being idiots. Leroy: BET

Cal: Axel wait I am sorryyyyyyyy! Don't be mad at meeeeee! *puts on his goddamn pouting face again*

TJ: What? It was just a little wildfire. That spread through three separate townships miles apart from eachother through an underground coal vein. And boiled about fourty-thousand gallons from the Colorado River.

Axel: *Hesitates* Ethan: Noooo. *Drags Axel with him* Not until they promise they won't do anything stupid.

TJ: Hey, nobody died. Just lost several thousand dollars of government property. They weren't residential towns. Secret government facilities, Kitten! Animal experimentation, Kitten!

Ethan: TJ, I love you, but no. That's bad very bad don't do that! Axel: I want a hug and no more fire. Leroy: Ah, come on! I didn't even murder anyone yet!

Cal: Okay hugs are easy but maybe just a little thermite reaction at least?? Pleeeease?~