
Axel's answer: U-uh probably cats, they're quieter. Ethan: I love them both, but probably cats. I just like them Leroy: Dogs. Just accept it, I don't need to explain myself to you. Edited at April 17, 2021 06:38 PM by Lost Memories

Cal: Dogs. So much energy and love and I just cry everytime I see one of those adorable fuckers wiggle there gosh darn tails and- Oh god dammit I am fuckin' cryin' again-

Ethan's answer: ... Hmmm, wellllll, I think Leroy and Nabih are honestly adorable.... Don't tell them I said that though, I don't feel like being stabbed.

Now I can't get the thought of Cal walking into a Petco, looking around, and just bursting into happy tears because "Oh my god they're so precious I want them all"

Nabih's answer; "Man, all of you are hitting me with the difficult questions now... Leroy's... Leroy. I can't really describe him. My view of him has changed now that he's found me like he has. Before, I simply saw him as a friend that I had to be careful around otherwise his surprisingly fragile ego would break and I would be left to either pick up the pieces or injured. Now, he's someone I have to be even more careful around in order to make sure he doesn't tell anyone and in order to try and regain some sort of respectability. As for either cats or dogs... I prefer dogs, they're loyal no matter what, and besides; I tend to get slight allergies with cats." - Ariethous's answer; "I like both, though the voices have very varying opinions- I couldn't have either without the voices getting into a full blown war over if I should kill it or love it... I'd rather be around Cal- Cal's loud enough to speak over the voices when no one else is, I don't have a 100% confirmation that someone calmer (but still hyper) than him would be able to do that... The only other type of person that's been able to calm them has been awkward, shy beans like Axel that the voices switch between wanting to protect to wanting to throw into a concrete wall."

Attention everyone! Cal and TJ are no longer allowed to go anywhere near a pet store alone. All the animals will be stolen and showered with much love and affection... They will also be chased down by the police and the group will have to flee halfway across the world.

To everone: Favorite food? Ethan want to cook for you all, and he will remember everyones order to the smallest detail.

Cal totally hasn't cried in a Petco before nope totally-

TJ: *Cackles maniacly* YES! Join me, Hummingbird, we will free all the animals! ALL OF THEM! Pet stores today, tomorrow, the zoos!

No, Ethan will hug TJ to restrain him and Axel will give Cal the rare disapproving look...