
Nabih's answer; "Let's see... I started smoking at 13, drinking at 14, and... A few other things at 15... So anywhere from 4 years ago to 2 years ago... I met Val while buying cigarettes, he invited me over with some of his friends... We ended up having a few drinks and them giving me the contact info of a dealer..." -- For Cal; If you were forced to relive one memory for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

TJ: Have you ever loved someone a lot to the point of wanting to date them and stuff? Axel: Favorite cuddle buddy or best hugger of the group??

TJ: No(t yet). Only familial love so far, and even then, it was just my mom. And she's very dead right now. ~ Cal: How many pounds of Cheetos dust have you consumed? Not the actual corn-puff part, just the flavoring.

Cal: Jesus why are you giving me so many hard damn questions... Okay well... Either the one memory I have from back when I lived up in the big apple or... I guess the day a won my leather jacket. Yeah, that day was special to say the least. And 41.8 pounds. Exactly. Either I am more depressed than I thought or I really like math, but I have been keeping track. Edited at April 17, 2021 06:26 PM by Determined_Wolf

Gonna be totally real here, I can respect that. Cheetos dust calculations are hard.

For Evie; What's your favorite video game? Evie: I would say FPS games are my favorites, but that'd make me a boldface liar. Minecraft, Genshin, and Animal Crossing are my go-to's when I'm looking for something to do. Though, pokemon is my favorite overall if that wasn't obvious enough. ________________ To TJ; Why are you so into nature? To Everyone; Cats or Dogs and why? ________________ BTW, working on an RP response right now. It won't be much but it should have a few things to reply to. Edited at April 17, 2021 06:29 PM by Flower Field

Spoken like a person who has attempted that very task before! XD

Axel's answer:... U-uh, Cal... H-he's tall so he kinda envelopes me when he hugs me a-and I feel safe with him. Leroy's good too, but he doesn't hug me often. --- For Nabih: How do you feel about Leroy as a person? Has your veiw changed now that he's helping you or no?

To Evie: If you had to play Mario Kart against Cal, on a scale of one to extreme Leroy energy, how evil would you be with him? Ethan: Other than Aries and Cal, of course, favorite second ship in real life or in a form of media? Aries: Would you rather be around Cal or someone else who is just as hyper but it just a bit calmer?

TJ: Magpies don't lie to you. Deer don't go out of their way to insult you. Wolves don't hunt you down for sport. Also, cats, because a totaly disregard of every else's opinion is something I can relate to.