
TJ: Exactly all of them, Ethan's mine now. Also, Ethan would be a little babby tiger cub of course, Cal is definitly a hummingbird, Leroy is probably a honey badger, Evie is most assuredly a stonefish, Axel is a Samoyed puppy, and Nabih is without doubt a seal.

For Ethan: As the resident shipper, thoughts on Aries and Cal or Cal's ships? Axel: What is your favorite part of the year and why? TJ: If you could get a genie, what would be your three wishes?

Ariethous's answer; "My favorite flower is probably red spider lilies, though I also like carnations and snowdrops; as they represent January and January represents Janus, who represents new beginnings. And I definitely need a new beginning." - Nabih's answer; "Hard to say. I usually trust him, but with this... I can only hope. I don't want to have to explain to everyone, though I'm not sure how I can avoid it, at this point. If Leroy doesn't rat me out and even helps me come up with something I can say to get everyone off my back... I'd never figure out how to repay him, though I most certainly would have to." -- For Cal; If you had the chance to go back and find your old boyfriends and be with them again and with the 100% confirmation that they still want you- Would you do it? For Leroy; What's your top priority right now and what are your plans for when you and Nabih go back to the group? Edited at April 17, 2021 06:02 PM by Overthink101

Ethan's answer: Ah, well, you see, they're already married. It's that simple, they just have to pick up Axel, then they're all set! I will puch them together if I have to. Axel's answer: Summer. No school means no bullies.

TJ: The first would be the abolition of all animal cruelty, everywhere. The second would be the de-extinction of all species, animals and plants, that were killed off by humanity. The third would be to have a bag filled with infinite food.

Leroy's answer: Just get this mess cleaned up, make sure he can walk and get him some rest. I can't stand seeing him like this, and I'll make sure no one else has to see him like this either... Plus, I don't think he has to be embarrassed any more than he already has been. He's hurting more than enough already. As for when we get back, well, I'll have to find Nabih an excuse, the idiot can't do it himself right now, then I'm making sure he gets to bed as soon as we get to the hotel. --- For Cal: Do you have a favorite song? If so, what is it? For TJ: How do you plan on helping 'kitten' with future panic attacks/flash backs if you can't shapeshift yet?

TJ: I have blankets. Many blankets. Also, even in human form, I'm a space heater. Sapient weighted blanket, it is me.

Cal: I- Wha- I don't know how to respond to that really... With 100% conviction? Like, as in, they still like me? I just- I don't know. I doubt I am even good for them so what's the point if I... Fuck can I get a different question? Okay. Songs. Right. Mr. Loverman or Burn It Down. I think. I love a lot of songs okay? ~~~ Nabih: When did your addiction start really and how did you come to drinking in the first place? Leroy: Would you rather get a bucket of candy or a box of blankets, what would you pick? TJ: Opinion of school or social norms? Edited at April 17, 2021 06:11 PM by Determined_Wolf

TJ: Society is lying to you. Everything they want you to do only helps the boot stamping down on your neck. By conformnig, you support a selfish gang of the rich, barely better than the thug that goes to mug you on the street. Also, school wasn't ever meant to educate you. It was designed to form nice, obedient factory workers that would be easily swayed by the ones in charge.

Leroy's answer: Blankets, obviously, you can use them dor more things. Medical help or tying them into a rope, for instance. Candy's just bad for you.