
Also we need to start posting in the RP thread again. My hands are starting to shake from going cold-turkey on RPs. The sign-ups aren't cutting it anymore.

Ariethous's answer; "By my standards or the voices? If by mine- It depends on if the person I'm killing has hurt a friend of mine or betrayed a friend of mine. If by the voices's standards, no murder is ever enough." -- For TJ; What would you do if you accidentally hurt an animal? For Ethan; Favorite type of cookie?

TJ: Depends how it happened. From a lack of knowledge? Figure out what I did wrong. Because someone else did something? Beat them bloody. Entirely by chance? Fix up the poor thing.

Ethan: Well, I really love cats, but any and every form of floof will do. Axel: No, any and all money I make/made goes to my family. They need it more than me. Leroy: Really depends on the situation. In hand to hand, for example, serration is preferred. However, if it comes to throwing, a straight blade would be better. --- For TJ: Exactly how many people would you kill if someone tried to touch you kitty again, and is there a weapon I can provide you with to help? For Aries: Will you ever accept the fact that Cal and Axel are trying to take cArE of you and LoVe you? For Nabih: Thoughts on Leroy trying to help and take care of you?

Ethan's answer: Chocolate chip or Snickerdoodle, though I personally prefer the cookie dough to the actual cookie. Chance of disease and deliciousness!

Ariethous's answer; "They're what now? I thought that was just them trying to soften me up before throwing me in some cage fight. That sounds much more likely to me than them actually caring." - Nabih's answer; "It's rather... Strange, if I am to be honest. I'm not used to people being there for me, and I'm even less used to Leroy, of all people, showing kindness. Definitely not a situation I'm proud of, to put simply." -- For Axel; Do you know any tricks that help you whenever you get all sad or whenever your sickness is worse than usual? For Ethan; How much money would I have to pay you for you to let me kill Val? Also, if you could speak- What would be the first thing you say? For Leroy; Give us some insight- How do you feel about finding Nabih like you did? What are you thinking happened?

Cal: Jeez favorite frozen treat? I actually have to pick?? Well... Ben and I used to love Rocky Road Icecream and share all the time. Jackson, on the other hand, fuckin' loved plain old vanilla and those red, white, and blue popsicles. As for the squirrel, his name is Jeremy and he his very sweet. He likes candy corn too. I hate it, but he must love the stuff apparently. What's even the point of that! Who in the hell besides a made-up squirrel even likes it?? What are we talking about again? ~~~ For Leroy: Why do you hate Cal's jokes so much? Do you think they are that bad? For Aries: Favorite kind of flower? For TJ: What kind of animal do you think everyone would be if they suddenly turned into animals?

Axel's answer: Uh... Denial? I mostly just pretend I'm fine and lie to everyone. However, I've found there's a pressure point on your hand that when you press down on it it keeps you from vomiting. Also, I've found dunking your head in a bucket of ice water snaps you out of an anxiety attack sometimes. Shocks your brain. Ethan's answer: I dislike Val, but I don't think I could ket anyone kill him knowingly. No matter how much you pay. No one deserves to die, not even him. As for what I would say; "Thank you." That's all. Leroy's answer: Many things went through my mind when I saw him like that. I was, and am, very worried and honestly a little hurt. Nabih was really the one person I looked up to, and seeing him so... Broken? It hurt more than you can imagine. I didn't know exactly what was going on, but I saw his pain and the alcohol. I think I put two and two together. --- For Cal: So... You and Axel are comfort buddies, right? Please, I need wholesome confirmation. For Nabih: Do you trust Leroy to keep your secret? Or in general?

Leroy's answer: No, I don't really... Hate them, he just tells them at the wrong times. He's trying to get rid of conflict, I'm sure, but it pisses me off that he won't just leave me alone when I'm thinking.

Cal: Hell yeah. If I ever don't feel good or need to calm down, I am going straight to hug that amazing cinnamon roll bun. He is so sweet and his hugs make everything a helluva lot better.