
The wisher doesn't have any ideas? We can assist, or hold your blessing for a later date. Do consider... ;}


Morning! Er, well, Happy Night everyone!

Does wisher wish to surrender the wish? It can be done, if so chosen.

Hey Alien!! How are you doing??? Have you been getting rest and not overstressing yourself? >:V Nooooooo I will keep it!!


@Dete Ummm...no YEP! I've drunk my water for today so that's something lmao ^^'. How are you doing Dete? Is life not being as much of a jerk as usual?

Okay well don't let work stuff get to you too much. I am doing pretty okay, a little worried with some things that are happening, but mostly good!

I kind of want to throw some rando NPC characters into the RP. Just, like, a general small group of recurring characters. They'll show up at random points in the story and witness weird stuff. They make their own support group when they all meet, lamenting the insanity they bare witness to. It's just five-ish guys, gals, and non-binary pals that cannot believe that they are the most observent when it comes to the supernatural.

You should definitely make the characters but check with ThinkThonker on how we can include them in! I honestly don't mind writing a character/playing as a character/helping write the characters with you if you don't mind!!! :D Ehhhh I am drawing a small animatic of Cal in Crazy by Gnarls Barkly (I promise I am not obsessed with this song-) and I don't know whether to ink it or do black and white...