
And TJ and E? So sweet. If they become the first relationship and the only stable one, I won't be surprised. Everyone will basically ship them.

Very true. They're literally too precious for this dark world. - Also, E and Cal are going to start pushing ships together, and I don't doubt that they'll star a shipping war XD

Yeah of course they would- Cal would probably argue that Leroy and Aries like each other or that Evie likes Nabih.

I think Cal claiming that Aries likes someone else is just him being in denial XD Him and Aries are already married, I swear, they just have to adopt Axel. - Wait! I found a perfect quote for them! - Cal: Me and Aries are having a baby. Axel *a little sad*: That's great, I- Cal: *slamming adoption papers on table* It's you, sign here!

Overthink!~ I see you online, my friend, you are either writing a RP reply for one of your many RPs or watching me and Determined in disappointment. Which is it? XD

Shhhh don't tell Cal that he likes Aries. He doesn't know!! That quote is so damn perfect! I loooove it! ThinkThonker is just watching in great disappointment. That is the only logical explanation. xD

Oh- Hm. Hm. Well. Not exactly. I just had the tab open while trying to make a great new playlist for no reason on spotify. But, uhm, you guys continue shipping. It's fun to watch as I make the playlist. Which I am now done with... I probably should get started on some RP replies, I'm just lazy XD

Think Thonker has spoken!!! :0 Okay keep doing stuff with playlists and whatnot! Take your time with replies since no one is really in a rush around here!!

Ah, so we were correct. You were watching in disappointment, don't deny XD - Oh, right, sorry XD - I know right? I love it so much!

Ehhh now I am starting to realize I should reply for rps and whatnot but I am lazyyyyyyy! >:( I just got a really sad idea for Cal in the far future of this rp and now I am trying not to cry. Goddamn it every time I think of stories ideas they always go sad-