Not going to make a whole one-shot story about it, because that takes too long, so here's just the things that popped into my brain.
-The arcade was in his old town, obviously
-It was a favorite place of his, and some of his friends, but not all of them liked it
-There was this huge rivalry thing going on between all the kids that liked it. Two different factions that always fought each other over their different lazertag ideologies.
-'Red' faction was Calvin's, it was all about fast-paced looter-shooter style play. Tactics are for cowards, real lazertag players jump in guns blazing to go out in a blaze (Shine? Flicker?) of glory!
-'Blue' faction was one of his best friend's. It was basically the opposite of Red. Strategy and tactics win wars, and unnecessary risk is idiotic.
-It caused this huge rift in their friend group after a while of heated warfare, only bridged by the non-players every now and then
-The whole thing eventually concluded with this awe-inspiring climactic final battle, wherein both sides must eventually turn to the other's ideology to have even a chance of winning against the other.
-They'd actually bet on the conclusion, of which the stakes were a pizza party for the whole establishment payed for by the losers. It was taken very seriously.
-The parents were all just laughing in the background like assholes.
-Red faction ended up winning, because they were more adaptable to changing on the fly.
-During the victory party, one of the few totally neutral players just looked like she'd had an epiphany. Someone else asked what it was, and she just deadpans back at them, "So are we all purple now?"
And that's it. That's my thinky thonks.