
Nabih's the one escaping as to called the fire department XD - Also, now that I know of this movie, I will end up watching it... Eventually.

ANGSTVENGER's writer's movie night?? Also how in the fresh fly fuck did you never see Die Hard in your life??? Never? Like, never never??

The department itself is just utterly baffled by this localized destruction of the properties of fire. The fire wall is just sitting there! Menacingly... It's not spreading very quickly, mostly going up. And because there's no floor above it, it's just this slowly climbing pillar of fire. Leroy is having a blast testing his fire control...

Well, to be fair, I haven't seen it either lol

My family's not big on Christmas movies. XD - I may have heard the title of the movie a few times, but like- I never saw it


Okay. I can work with this. Red Dawn? WarGames? Highlander? Monty Python? Black Hawk Down? Predator? Aliens? The Thing? Bladerunner? Any of these ring a bell?

Nope Wha? Nah Nada* What isith that? Neva* No Nah man'* Aaanndddddd.... .... no* * is me knowing it but still being uncultured and never watching it XD

Monty Python, Bladerunner, The Thing, Aliens, Predator, and Highlander seem kind of familiar. Maybe Red Dawn too. Not WarGames or Black Hawk Down though.

Oh my god these poor children haven't seen Red Dawn... Oh these poor souls....