
Someone introduced him to TF2. Now he wants to be the Pyro when he grows up.

Leroy is going to be forced to constantly make fires once he gets control of his powers. Who would even introduce Aries to that?? Was it Tyler??? Cal??? Jacob???

He was trawling through YouTube one day, and fell in deep. Like, the-moon-is-actually-a-mass-hallucination-caused-by-floride-in-the-water-suppy deep. Along that... enlightening journey, he found som old TF2 machinimas and got curious.

Who gave the man child YouTube without telling him not to go off the deep end??? I need names!! >:V

Probably Jacob or Cal. Aries is totally sitting in the middle though. - Where's Nabih though? I have noticed that we do not know this.

He climbed into the vents. Nabs is escaping as fast as he can while also emulating Die Hard as much as possible.

'emulating Die Hard?' What is this?

And where is Eve-ster during this lovely arson party? Edited at April 30, 2021 09:05 PM by Flower Field

You've never even heard of Die Hard? I must fix this. Die Hard is an old Christmas movie, 1980s-ish I think? Anyway, the plot is that a guy has to sneak into an office building to rescue his ex-wife from terrorists. It happens during a Christmas party. A corpse gets dressed up as Santa then left in an elevator. It's great.

Ah, and Evie is roasting the marshed mallows. You know those insane branching roasting fork things? Evie's got like five of them loaded up and roasting in shifts for optimal smore production.