
Hmmm, well Leroy is going to be either really good at cooking or really bad, you all decide. TJ would probably be called dad honestly, chaotic dad, yes, but still dad. He seems to be taking over planning and such. I could see Ethan being called dad as well, breaking up fights and caring about everyone, though he is obviously quieter so... Maybe a sibling?.Cal definitely gives off 'funny big brother' vibes though, and Leroy can be like the really overprotective big brother. Eva can be the big sister, I can definitely see her as one. Not sure what Nabih is, I can see him as being a 'father figure' as he is kind of the leader, but I don't know... Axel can be the shy younger sibling.

Oh, and Aries I'm not sure about either, maybe also an older brother???

Hmm, I honestly think that Nabih and Leroy would be the responsible older brothers, TJ would probably be called the dad of the group (mostly as a kinda joke though). Cal, Evie, and Axel give off those middle child vibes to me, and that leaves Aries and Ethan as the youngest. With Evie, she's an awful cook. She mostly just ate packaged food before and the only time she tried to cook something she somehow exploded chocolate chip cookies lol. She also wants to get closer to basically everyone in the group but, ya know, pride and shit. Emotions are scary lmao.

Okay Evie is definitely the one who needs to stay out of the kitchen then!! XD Yeah Cal is definitely middle or older child vibes for me too! I feel like he might call Aries, Nabih, or Leroy dad by accident though-

Aries is totally that one cool uncle. Cal and Evie definitely give off middle child vibes. Axel gives off middle child and youngest vibes. Ethan is totally the youngest. Nabih and Leroy are totally the oldest. And then TJ(and sometimes Nabih) would probably be the dad.

Oh my gosh that gives me a great idea for Cal and Evie bonding on a sibling-like level. That would be so sweet-

Yesss, sibling bonding time! - Oooo, can anyone's characters sing well?

Define well. Cal is... okay at singing. He always does it in a cheesy voice around other people so no one has actually heard him singing. :p

Okay, well, Leroy's secret talent is singing, but he won't show it off unless someone else starts singing first, then he'll either join in on the chorus with the melody or he'll start harmonizing. Everyone will probably be shocked though because he definitely does not seem like the singing type XD - Also, he'll only join in if he likes the song Or he's secretly trying to impress someone and doesn't know what else to do because he's a hopeless romantic he's not super picky and actually secretly likes Disney as well... Anyway, I just think it'd be fun for him to just start harmonizing with someone and scare the fuck out of everyone because no one knows what the hell is going on XD

Ooh! That's another good question, Any other hidden talents in the group?