
I definitely love the conversation with just had so if you want to keep talking about that stuff (or about stuff like the camps in China) please pm me because I really want to talk about this stuff with someone!!!

You probably do >:3 - Anyways though. What about Axel? Most hated hair color, eye color, and hair type? (Wavy, Straight, Curly) Lost Memories said: Tehe, I think I know this reason. Do I, Overthink? Overthink101 said: Eventually you will get to know. Very soon, actually. Hopefully

Oh you're asking for stuff on Axel now too?? Oh that's not good at all... Jesus there was so much angst in that post! Let Aries and Nabih get some more wholesome hugs.

Oh yes, I know exactly what's happening XD Does this have something to do with that character, Overthink? - Well, Axel doesn't really dislike any hair or eye color/type, but let's say... light brown, wavy hair (specifically his own hair, he doesn't necessarily 'hate' brown hair, he just doesn't like himself XD) and probably pale blue/gray eyes just because they look so blank and sad. - Also, I love this quote: "God, Leroy definitely needed therapy." Accurate.

Awesome- I shall now go and post something in the sign-ups. The mystery as to why I was asking shall be revealed within that post.

Yesss, I was right XD This will be fun >:)


Ahhhh I just finished writing my post when I realized Memmy posted!! T^T Alrighty, give me a little bit and I should have the post up and ready!!! :D

Oh no, sorry Dete! That's happened to me several times too XD

Yo, Lost- Hate to do this to you but like... Nabih's in the hallway and walking back already, Leroy's just standing in the doorway in your post though