
So he had the gang, which was just his group of friends, and then the gang gang. But yeah. He was basically the mom of that group. Everyone though of him as a little brother especially after Olly died. :3 Edited at April 27, 2021 06:29 PM by Determined_Wolf

I love how everyone just ignores Cal's long rants about why criminals can be good guys. Everyone is just so used to it I think! Even though he talked more about science than he did about disagreeing slightly with Tyler... but still! Edited at April 27, 2021 06:51 PM by Determined_Wolf

The criminal stuff was what Tyler saw as the main point, so it's what he talked about.

Yeah I know Tyler saw it but literally everyone else didn't! XD Everyone is just fine with him partly liking communism and that alone cracks me up.

Tyler and communism, oh boy... He hates it. Sure, equality for everyone would be great! BUT... Look at all the examples, yo. The USSR oppressed several newly formed countries in the wake of WWII, in direct violation of an agreement they had with the US and Britain that would let those tiny nations self-determine their own governments. But noooooo, Stalin just had to force those people into communism to protect himself from literally everyone west of himself. Not to mention the ongoing issues in China and North Korea, or the terrible state of Cuba and a few other South American countries. Seriously, everyone hears 'communism' and thinks 'Oh, so everyone would share all the stuff a country has equally!' But no, that's not how communism works, you fools! Here's my favorite example of communism and how it works. So, there are ten people in a capitalist society. One of them can afford their own personal cruise ship, while another nine sit unpurchased in their docks. A communist revolution happens. Most people would assume that the other nine ships would be distributed to the nine people without them. Not so! In communism, the one guy who had the ship would have it taken away, and all the ships would be claimed for 'government use', and now nobody has a cruise ship at all. Sorry, I feel very strongly about this...

Tehe, I think I know this reason. Do I, Overthink? Overthink101 said: Eventually you will get to know. Very soon, actually. Hopefully

Yeah, Leroy's kinda on the same page as Cal (suprisingly), and my other two just don't care XD

Oh yeah I agree with that entirely. I have read about stuff like that and it is super frustrating. I hate that communist governments believe that they can control people and own everything which is the exact opposite of what communism is supposed to be. Cal was just wishes some rich people would spread their wealth especially when someone like Bill Cosby could give Americans enough money to live comfortably for the rest of their life and have plenty of money left over. That's what that moment was supposed to be hinting at. And real quick, everything I have my characters say is not always something I agree with.

Agreed, Determined, I, personally, do not agree with communism at all. It's frustrating and infuriating most of the time, and I don't support or agree with it at all.

Naw, I get that. I just love talking about the socioeconimc policies of the WWII-Cold War era. Plus, have you listened to CollegeHumor's 'If I Had the Money That Bezos Had' song? It's great.