*Wailing police sirens*
Police: Excuse me, kids, would any of you mind answering some questions about the victim, as you were the ones to discover the body?
*Pans to a desicrated corpse, more a thin crimson paste than an actual once-organism*
Evie: Ah, yes, that. Let's just... move away first...
Police: Of course ma'am. Now then, who would like to begin?
*Ethan is subtly smuggled away while Evie distracts the officer*
Evie: Mmhmm, I guess I will. WHat do you need to know?
Police: Well... *Begins taking Evie's statement*
Leroy: Dude, you still have blood on your shirt. And where'd you stash the murder weapon?
Tyler: Oh shit, really? Lemme just... *Zips jacket to hide the blood* Okay, all good. And what do you mean 'weapon', singular?
Ariethous: There were several instruments used.
Axel: Don't worry, I buried them all in different spots, it's fine.
Leroy: Why am I the only one not aware of what you all did? Well, me and Nabih at least.
Nabih: Oh, hell no. Who do you think kept him from screaming the whole time?
Leroy: Was I the only one not in on this?
Tyler: To be fair, you actually did quite a lot, you just didn't know it. Remember when we asked you to find that abandoned serial killer's lair?
Leroy: But what did Evie do?
Axel: Oh, you see those tiny nicks in the walls?
Leroy: Yeah...?
Axel: That's what happens when you stab concrete with exposed bone.
Leroy: *Internal panic* How have I become the least homicidal one?