
Omg, yes, and Axel is just like 'oh crap, suddenly I am also very interested in sexuality talk' XD - This could so work if Aries will tAkE a HiNt XD

I also want to see everyones reactions when Nabih walks in wearing Leroy's jacket. - *Ethan give Cal the 'Told you so' look, and Cal sadly hands over ten bucks* - Oh, and no worries, Overthink, I've got an excuse in mind to cover for Nabih. It's a very 'Leroy' idea, and it should work. It mostly involves insulting Nabih and complaining-

Aries, depending on his mood at the moment, would either; stare with dem voices being loud, or wonder about Jacob, or actually get a hint. It all depends. XD

Oh, great. Because Nabih totally doesn't have an idea yet. XD Lost Memories said: I also want to see everyones reactions when Nabih walks in wearing Leroy's jacket. - *Ethan give Cal the 'Told you so' look, and Cal sadly hands over ten bucks* - Oh, and no worries, Overthink, I've got an excuse in mind to cover for Nabih. It's a very 'Leroy' idea, and it should work. It mostly involves insulting Nabih and complaining-

I can just picture after that whole scene Aries still can't take the hint and Cal just starts mumbling to Axel afterwards: 'I think I am moronsexual...' Cal will probably complain to Leroy without giving him any context. 'You just had to ruin the ship, dammit! I almost won the bet too!!'

Okay. But seriously. I forgot, what bet?

Leroy came pRePaReD XD - See, pessimistic mindsets work sometimes, always assume the worst and always have a plan for the worst that you assume won't work like you want it to XD - Ah, and what about Nabih? I feel like him and Leroy would be the awkward, sad couple that never actually confirm that they're dating, but it's still obvious that they are...

That REMINDS me, what ships are we thinking currently?

Yes, and Axel just silently nods along, smirking. Determined_Wolf said: I can just picture after that whole scene Aries still can't take the hint and Cal just starts mumbling to Axel afterwards: 'I think I am moronsexual...' Cal will probably complain to Leroy without giving him any context. 'You just had to ruin the ship, dammit! I almost won the bet too!!'
Ethan: *Shakes his head* Never underestimate the ship king, peasant! Leroy: What the actual fuck is happening?!?!

Flower Nabih x Leroy, Axel x Cal x Aries, and TJ x Ethan. Eva is single pan QUEEN