
Cal: You never did anything wrong, E. If you two like each other, that is none of my business as long as you two consent to everything. Just know I will tease you about this later!~

Nabih; "Interesting..." *Flips to a different bookmarked page in one. of the notebooks and writes.* - Ariethous; *Has been zoning out since the last time he spoke.* -- ((I dare someone to tell me what page he last spoke on.))

Cal: *Cal turns to Aries and Axel.* Hey are you both good? You guys are both really quiet. Is this about what Nabih said and what not? (98. It was page 98.)

Ariethous; *Blinks and slowly looks to Cal with his eyes from where he's been staring at the blocked exits idly.* "..Huh? Oh. Uh. No, no. All's fine with... All's good. Nabih's fine. Are you alright?" - Nabih; *Watching carefully and writing in a new page in one of the notebooks.* "Hm..."

I have returned from the sleep-deprived to say one thing only, and that is that Ethan has the emotional awareness of a half-stick of celery. Now that my monkey-muse has said it's piece, I will collapse back into the meatpuppet I truly am. Goodnight.

Cal: Yeah, just slightly... frustrated. Not sure how much longer we stay here for, but I strongly hope it ain't long. (Thank you for your input brain monkeys. XD)

Ariethous; *Tenses at the last bit of Cal's statement, nods along anyway.* "Mhm... Will the doors and stuff open though..?" - Nabih; *Watching them both and muttering to himself.* "Write this down, write this down."

Cal: *Cal grit his teeth slightly and turned over to Nabih as if to say Cal could hear him.* I don't know. Hey Nabih, do you know when we can leave?

I'm sorry, but I'm not responsible for what the brain beasts make me do at night. They are trying to learn human.

Axel: N-no, it's fine. I'm fine, just getting a little... anxious... I don't like being trapped in places like this... Ethan: Oh, okay. *Relaxes back into TJ, glad that he didn't fuck something up* Leroy: *Very much craving death right now and glaring the Dr. down.*