
Wow, Ariethous is both a redhead and has brown eyes. It's like winning the lottery for Cal, huh?

Anywayssss- Are you guys wanting to know how I plan on tying together all the 1x1s I had done of this with Lost Memories too? I can, and will, explain. Easily.


Also, shall I make some of those for mg characters? It'll probably take a while, but I can do it!

Oooooo! Answers!! It might be fun to slowly figure it out though.... Agghhhhh I don't knooooow!!!

So... In the 1x1 known as Overthink101 x Lost Memories, the heroes end up failing, which leads into Overthink x B R E A D, where the original orb finally breaks. In that one though, they manage to create a new one but still end up failing. That fail leads into this roleplay. - Ethan was in all of these, and Axel, Leroy, Nabih, and Gwyar are in two of these, as well. Which is fine, since I can put it up as magic being magic. The full explanation will be given in time, of course. XD


-Ethan is a wonderful cook, he used to cook all the time for himsef and Val and it became an easy distraction from pain as well as a hobbie. He can cook pretty much anything other than fish- don't ask why -Ethan loves cuddles as long as they are on his own accord, warmth makes him feel safer -E's nickname, 'Kitten,' actually came from his former friend, Robin, who abandoned him later. Ethan still has a bit of affection for the nickname because of this, even if it does bring up some bad memories. -Although E doesn't remember his birth family, he always believed he had a brother because he wanted to make up the excuse his family got rid of him because they simply couldn't take care of him instead of believing they were all bad -Ethan is still a little suspicious of Nabih because him and Val used to be friends, but he also wants to believe he's changed so he never brings it up These are just a few for Ethan, I have more :D

Yes, the heroes can fail here. And yes, you have no idea what I'm talking about when I talk about 'hereos' and 'failing'.

Overthink, you have given me much confusion XD