Nabih; *Takes out a notebook and flips to one of seven bookmarked pages. Hands the notebook over to Cal.* "Here you go. Ignore the last bit of notes, will you?"
"Times Cal Was Suspiciously Androgynous;
??/??/????; Cal has rather long hair.((Edit; Ariethous does as well, but Cal’s face shape makes it seem more feminine than Ariethous’s own.))
??/??/????; I have caught Cal admiring more feminine styles of clothing.
??/??/????; Cal wore a bra as a dare, he((She? They?)) seemed rather mature and unbothered by this.
??/??/????; Cal seems inclined to take both masculine and feminine social roles and styles. Starting now, I’ll refer to Cal with They/Them/Their pronouns, until proven otherwise.
??/??/????; Cal seemed to beam subconsciously when I referred to them as a ‘they’ for the first time.
??/??/????; Cal continues to subconsciously enjoy the neutral pronouns I’ve been using.
??/??/????; Cal doesn’t seem to have a lot of gender intelligence. They seem to have believed from the start that Axel was born a male((I have added this to my notes on Axel, as well, since he just came out to us as ftm trans.)).
??/??/????; Cal’s regular clothing style seems inclined to mask their assigned gender.
Times Cal Was Suspiciously Into Men;
??/??/????; Cal was looking at a men’s fashion magazine without looking at the actual fashion the men in the magazine were wearing.
??/??/????; Cal seems to be especially clingy with Axel.
??/??/????; Cal is actually getting along with Leroy, though I doubt it’ll last long.
??/??/????; Cal and Axel have brought a new traumatized child((Reminder to make sure to start notes)) into the group, his name is Ethan. Cal is fairly clingy, as expected.
??/??/????; Cal has brought yet another child((Reminder to start notes)) into the group, his name is apparently Ariethous((Strange, add this to notes)). Cal is even more clingy with Ariethous than they were with Ethan, bordering even on how clingy they are with Axel.
??/??/????; Cal was flirting with Ariethous today, I don’t think either of them realized it.
??/??/????; More flirting between Ariethous and Cal, Axel seems to have joined the mix though.
??/??/????; Axel, while most likely delirious from lack of sleep or illness, has confessed to liking Cal romantically. This explains the flirting and flusteration. Cal has had similar cases of flusteration as Axel.
??/??/????; Cal, while having a breakdown alone, admitted to having two boyfriends((Poly? That would explain the flirting with both Ariethous and Axel)) before. I have collected their names, as well. Cal was unaware of my presence… ((I don’t think I’ll tell them.))
Angst Notes On Cal;
??/??/????; Cal has told us about their schizophrenia.
??/??/????; Cal came to school injured today.((Edit; Much like how Ethan does now.))
??/??/????; Cal doesn’t seem to react well to the smell of cigarette smoke.
??/??/????; While having a sleepover at my house, I caught sight of scars that Cal has without them knowing. I don’t think bringing it up will help.
??/??/????; Cal experienced their first round of a schizophrenic episode around me today. They refuse to speak of it afterwards.
??/??/????; Cal seems to have internalized homophobia and internalized transphobia, only towards themself though. Everyone else that is LGBTQIA+, they harbor no such phobia, internalized or not."*
((Tell me if you think any of this wouldn't fit Cal lmao))