
Cal: I guess I am just that memorable to him!~ *giggles evilly before hiding back into Aries' chest and hugging Axel like a plushy*

Nabih; "Probably. Honestly though, why aren't the three of you together yet? I'm pretty sure everyone has realized you like each other at this point."

Cal: *Cal tilts head and raises an eyebrow* Well yeah? I mean, I don't know anyone who wouldn't befriend the people they like? Do you think I would be best friends with people I didn't like? Wow, you are making me seem like one of the girls from Mean Girls or somethin' mate.

Nabih; *Facepalms.* "You three should be in a relationship together already, is what I meant, Cal. You all obviously have a crush on each other, is what I meant, Cal."

Cal: *his face instantly went a bright red color* I um... Haha! Very... very funny, Nabih! I am straight though! 100% totally straight!! Plus, these two definitely don't have a crush on me.

Nabih; *Rolling his eyes.* "Accept your gender and sexuality. For one, I know you're not cis. For two, you had two boyfriends- You're telling me that's straight? Also, those two most definitely have a crush on you and each other. Aries went quiet, and he almost never does that. The only times he does is if he's embarrassed, having a mental breakdown, flustered, or unsure what to say." - Ariethous; *Biting his lip and looking to the side, tense and awkward being his flustered, embarrassed self. His face is a light pink, which is a lot of color compared to usual.*

Cal: *Cal folds his arms again defensively* Weeeeell, I am not questioning my gender or whatever and I don't even know what cis means!! And uhhh... I have no idea where you learned I had to boyfriends, but whoever told you is wrong!! It was probably just a phase if I did date a guy. Plus, you erm... probably just caught Aries off guard. This did just come out of no where after all!!

Nabih; *Sighs dramatically.* "Must I pull up absolutely every time I have saved that has lead me to believe you are not straight or cis? Which, by the way, cis means you're fine with the gender you were assigned at birth." *Folds hands the way Dr. Dythi had moments ago.* "I can be here all day. I've basically theorized on it since the day we've met, Cal. You send off major not cis and not straight vibes."

Cal: Everything you've- I am sorry what?? I was today years ol' when I learned my friend kept notes on my damn gender and who I like and don't like. Aight paps, hit me. Whatcha notes ya have on me?

(Ima have to go and make this note now at school. I hope you realize you have doomed yourself, Cal.)