
Dr. Dythi: *Shudders violently* NO, ughh, Jesus kid! That's disgusting, oh my god, no. The bars were originally installed to protect government assets. This used to be a hideout for the CIA, but it was decommissioned after the Cold War, and eventually came into my possession. They never uninstalled some of the security features though, so I get bulletproof walls and doorways with retractable steel bars.

Cal: *glaring intensely* That sounds very made up and until I get physical proof, I will call this the 'sex dungeon room.'

Dr. Dythi: Oh, no, hold on, gimme a sec- Hurk *Turns to nearest trashcan and vomits intensly* P-please don't say stuff like that, kid, that's just vile. Even thinking about it- ughhhh. No, no, I am quite literally physically adverse to the very idea of... *More violent sudders* sex...

Nabih; "Yeah, did I forget to mention that Dr. Dythi is asexual? And is it aromantic too? I always forget..."

Cal: *Cal, the absolute shit gremlin he is who likes making sex jokes, smirks evilly* You are in for so much pain, Dr. D. I respect your sexuality but there is no way you are that repulsed by the thought of sex.

Dr. Dythi: *Turns away and rapidly shuffles through her desk and throws a paper at Cal* Read it! *Throws up again. The paper is a signed doctor's paper detailing her physical aversion to anything sexual*

Cal: *groans as he debates between his morals and his respect for those in the LGBTQA+ community and his sense of wanting to ruin this person's day* Fine. But you have to not talk to me or even touch my friends, capish Dr. Bitch??

Dr. Dythi: Will someone tell the individual that I can not acknowledge that I cannot treat them without direct communication between the two of us? Thank you.

Cal: Aries, could you be a dear and tell the Doctor I will not communicate with them unless there is a life threatening emergency present and until then I will not interact with them until this therapy session is over?

Ariethous; "Uhh... Yeah, okay, will do." *Looks over at Dr. Dythi.* "Cal says that he will not communicate with you unless there is a life threatening emergency present and until then he will not interact with you until this therapy session is over." - Nabih; *Looking at Aries.* "How did you even remember his exact words?"