
I love your bean bird :V --- Aww, Pansy is cute! Definitely a name I'll consider

Thanks ^^ Love yours to! Not looking forward to making the markings for it(I suck XD)

Are Accessories allowed? I don't know but this is what I got Edited at April 11, 2022 05:13 PM by Hika

Hey Dave, I recently created a little species called Noodle Cats and I was wondering, do you want the Bean Birds and Noodle Cats to be of the same world?

Royal, noodle cats? Can I see?

I'll PM you an example of one :)

Hey, i'm sorry I don't really like to mix worlds with other people as creative differences can happen, and it makes me a lot more comfortable when I have my own thing and don't have to work out things with another user! So sorry! But this dosen't mean Noodle cats can't be in the same world as Bean birds as I do allow my creations to "magically" Transport to other worlds for anyone to use! Royal Pack said: Hey Dave, I recently created a little species called Noodle Cats and I was wondering, do you want the Bean Birds and Noodle Cats to be of the same world?

Yes clothing is perfectly fine ^ Hika said: Are Accessories allowed? I don't know but this is what I got

Hey guys sorry I was out for so long! I was hyper-focused on playing this game x-x

Lol it's fine, I've been kinda inactive myself I'm super busy with school stuff-