
The Beans grow naturally in their body every time they make someone happy! This is why wild Bird beans have fewer Beans in their container, as they have no drive to seek out people to make happy, they really don't like people as much as their household types!
hope that helps!
Royal Pack said: TheMadDave said: I'm not offended but please remember that I do take normal commissions are 1500/3 apples each, this is really cheap for my price range. As please remember I'm still human and I'm unable to change for cheaper.
Besides, getting a Bird bean from me is not the only way to get a bird bean! my prices are for what I as an artist charge for my time and work.
Royal Pack said: No offense, your bean birds are amazing, but I think the shop is a little overpriced. Love it, but waaay out of a heck ton of people's price range. I swear, I have no malicious nor rude intent behind this! Just a little tip/suggestion thingy.
I completely understand! Love the bean bird So how does the bean bird get the beans into its tail? Does it... uh... poop? Them?

I see! Also, is there a scientific reason why the wild one has the front feet as birb feet, while the household one has the back feet?

Yes their is!
households where bred to be smaller and be softer! if the paws were in their back they would be able to jump a lot farther and get into trouble, and those soft front toe beans feel a lot nicer than claws!
While wild Bean birds will use these front claws as grippers and use them to grapple their prey! and their back legs are much more impressive for their great leaping feats to get around places! Royal Pack said: I see! Also, is there a scientific reason why the wild one has the front feet as birb feet, while the household one has the back feet?

Cool! I'm just imagining a household bean bird wiggling their butt like a cat about to pounce and their beans shaking around. I just realized, how do the wild ones hunt if they have such noisy tails?

The beans are able to float in place! Like the first drawing of the wild that I have done ^ House holds can't do this as they evolved to be SOUND Royal Pack said: Cool! I'm just imagining a household bean bird wiggling their butt like a cat about to pounce and their beans shaking around. I just realized, how do the wild ones hunt if they have such noisy tails?

So what I have gotten out of the household one is that they are soft little toe beans that run around with noisy buttocks. Art. Also, I am about to start work on a ye, old one! Wish me luck!


Welcome to the BEAN ZONE Hika said: I'm here for the beans!

