
|Dagger| Dagger slowly woke up as he felt pain coming from his back. "HUUUUHHHH?!" Dagger yelled as he saw his new wings. "WHAT, WAIT, HUH? How?!" Dagger yelled again. (What. Um. Why? How is this possible? wings are supposed to be on birds, not on werewolves.) Dagger then realized that someone was there. Emrys. "Oh!, um... 0-0 uhhhh... hi..?" Dagger said, not knowing what he'll do when the competition starts. "Do you know if i can hide these? Do you know why i even have these? Probably don't though. Ahh what do i do what do i do? I look like a freak." Dagger panicked.

Willow closed the meeting soon after Dagger took off. She went herself to figure out what happened, she walked into the clearing whare Dagger and Emrys where "is everything ok?" Willow asked before Dagger yelled "ok thats a no" willow said with a sigh

|Nītrīe| ... Nītrīe remained in her position, wondering if she should go after Dagger or not. He could be planning something, she thought, or it could be a trick to get me away from the alpha. She sat still for a good minute, but Emrys could be in trouble. Luckily Willow made the decision for her, the alpha must have noticed something was up. Nītrīe followed close behind Willow, trying to avoid being seen. Edited at March 22, 2023 04:21 PM by Not Debbie

Vaper saw Willow leave, he ran after her. He saw Emrys and Dagger were gone. WHere they trying to ambush and kill her? He ran faster then he ever had. He slowed to a halt when he saw Emrys, Dagger, and Willow. But, Dagger had wings, "What the hell?" He said, so confused. He walked up to Willow. "Well, this certaintly isn't an ambush." He heard Nitrie and looked at her, it looked like she was trying to hide, so he let her.

Emrys walked up and placed his wolfy forehead at the base of daggers neck to calm him. "Shh. You need to calm down" he said before a low rumble like purr came from deep in his throat. He had learned this trick to calm the young ones down when they wake from a night mare.

|Nītrīe| ... "Well that's new," Nītrīe muttered to herself, while still trying to keep a low profile. She watched as what looked like wings emerging from Dagger's back. "Hmmm," she turned to watch Willow and she tensed her body up, so she would be ready to pounce on any incoming danger. She scanned the area and almost jumped when she saw Vaper looking at her. Cover blown, good job Nītrīe, she thought to herself. Edited at March 22, 2023 06:44 PM by Not Debbie

Willow looked in shock as she saw daggers wings. She stood there thinking on how this could happen then it clicked "remember the story we were told as pups? About the winged wolves? And how they would return and thare was a prophecy that when they did our pack would be saved?" Willow asked looking at the wolves who had come those who grew up in the pack.

Emrys ears swiveled listening to those who were talking around them. His focus was still on trying to calm dagger down. His ears stopped at the sound of willow speaking. His tail swisher once in a yes remembering the story they were all told as kids. The stuff of legend. *but all legends turn out to be true at some point* he thought to himself.

Wisp heard some commotion behind her and turned to look, drawing Angel's attentiong as well. Wisp gasped. Dagger had grown wings. Her mother voice echoed inside her head, "The winged wolves will save us, don't worry my sweet pup." Wisp stared at the winged wolf in awe. So this was who her mother had been talking about. Her thoughts darkened. Winged wolves hadn't saved her whem she was murdered by rogues. Wisp looked away from the wolf, hatred burning through her. Angel looked at Wisp, concerned, but left her alone. I'll get revenge... Wisp thought darkly, furious that Dagger hadn't saved her mother. I will.

"Willow, the winged wolves where supposed to save us. He just had a big attitude. Is he like the ones that killed Wisp's mother?" He was concerned. He looked at Emrys calming Dagger down, he had realized how snotty he had been to Emrys, but he was just wanting to be alpha like Vaper. They wern't much different. He walked up to Emrys and averted his gaze, telling him sorry.