
Vaper had taken a nap after hunting. His mother woke him up. "Vaper, Willow was talking with Emrys earlier, he was going somewhere and Willow wanted you to go with him. He got up and groaned giving his mon a look like, are you serious? She knew he didn't like Emrys very much but he would have to cooperate with him. That's what good alpha's do. "Fine." He said. He wnt over to Willow, "Hey what was this about me and Emrys? My mon told me you needed us to do something."

|Nītrīe| ... "My name is classified," Nītrīe snarled at Dagger, staring him down. "I better not catch you making trouble," she added with a smirk, "I'm not the type person, you want to mess with."

Star heard Nitrie snarling at Dagger, She gave a nod to Nitrie, letting her know she would handle this. "Dagger, don't be so smart to your alpha." She said, just, not in a snotty voice, she thought. "My son or Emrys could help you. There good males. They would help you feel welcome in the pack." Edited at March 21, 2023 04:31 PM by Crevice

Willow sighed as she glanced around camp everyone was here. She made her way back to the main houses porch. Soon enough holly walked over and smiled "its time to give out the rules" Holly said. Willow nodded and howled for a pack meeting.

Vaper and Star heard Willow's howl and ran over to the meeting. Vaper was excited and confident, but he knew he had to face Emrys. But he knew there was always a chance. He was smart, he could do it!

|Turkey| ... Willow howled loudly, it must be time for the tournament rules. Turkey came closer to the main house, he was excited. He watched the others gather around the building's porch, where Willow stood majestically. It was clear some sort of announcement was imminent.

Emrys was was about to shift into his human form again when he heard the howl. Without missing a beat, he stared from his course and gathered with the rest of the pack. He took in a sharp breath and slowly let it out to calm his heart and his breathing. He sat at the edge of the group off to the left and closer to the front. He wrapped his tale around the front of him and patiently waited to hear the rules.

|Dagger| Wow didn't know nobody noticed that i was alone for my whole life. if i become alpha i can tell everybody about why im alone. That female, actually most of them are pretty snotty. welp, i will just go ahead and tell that snotty girl what i have been through. *Turns to Nītrīe* "Well, hello classified, im dagger and i have been alone all my life, parents threw me out, and now im here. So i hope that you'll let me actually stay here and accept the fact that i am living here. I have just been settling in so i might be grumpy. ya got that? Sorry i was a little rude to you guys back there. I can tell you more about my past if you want. Welp good-bye.* Dagger said firmly. Phew, not thats off my paws. Jesus i hope wolves around here will actually accept me. *Sigh* Dagger walked to where the tournament was and plopped down. Dagger glared at the forest behind him and his eyes shined then turned red. "Hmm? is someone there? i thought i heard something..." Dagger said to himself. He looked back and at his paws, his eyes turn Blue/green and was skaking. His paws grasped the ground. Has he found me? *Continued rustling in the bushes* Dagger's heart rate increased as he gulped and looked forward and took a deep breath. "Shut up dagger. it can start any minute." He said to himself again. (Sorry i just love typing Lol)

Wisp looked around the camp, searching for the Alpha and the competing males. She couldn't see them through the crowd of wolves, but that didn't mean they weren't there. She grimaced before pushing her way through the throng of wolves and getting some nasty looks from some. She tripped over a tail more than once before reaching the head of the crowd and sitting down, gazing up at the Alpha Rock and waiting for the competition to begin. (Don't mind me, trying to be active, gonna go make my male now rq, SORRY)

Dagger Clan said: |Dagger| Wow didn't know nobody noticed that i was alone for my whole life. if i become alpha i can tell everybody about why im alone. That female, actually most of them are pretty snotty. welp, i will just go ahead and tell that snotty girl what i have been through. *Turns to Nītrīe* "Well, hello classified, im dagger and i have been alone all my life, parents threw me out, and now im here. So i hope that you'll let me actually stay here and accept the fact that i am living here. I have just been settling in so i might be grumpy. ya got that? Sorry i was a little rude to you guys back there. I can tell you more about my past if you want. Welp good-bye.* Dagger said firmly. Phew, not thats off my paws. Jesus i hope wolves around here will actually accept me. *Sigh* Dagger walked to where the tournament was and plopped down. Dagger glared at the forest behind him and his eyes shined then turned red. "Hmm? is someone there? i thought i heard something..." Dagger said to himself. He looked back and at his paws, his eyes turn Blue/green and was skaking. His paws grasped the ground. Has he found me? *Continued rustling in the bushes* Dagger's heart rate increased as he gulped and looked forward and took a deep breath. "Shut up dagger. it can start any minute." He said to himself again. (What he looks like) (No specific artist i just took a pic of one of my wolves, Cropped it and edited one eye to be green) (Sorry i just love typing Lol)