

 Been thinking about this lately: Tricier's (a speicies in my book) are mostly different, but don't exactly have a 'subspecies', but their looks do change based off their enviroment and other factors. Travis is rather different from his father because he didn't get his dragon form until his late teen years (which usually forms are seen after a few months after birth) and for story wise to show he's nothing like the dreadful father he grew up with. Daniel on the other hand, grew up on a different planet than Travis, resulting in a few changes of his appearence as well (that and he's just a lil baby boy ^^) Though he was a very sick child and still is, resulting in a few health defect and appearence defects. You can't see it here because it's not colored, but Peter has brilliant red, orange, and yellow colors due to good health. Travis on the other hand, despite having good health as well, has dark anf faded reds, browns, and other dim colors as a signal of his stress, battles, and other harsh factors. Daniel has bright reds, and oranges, but also some strange green or blue colors from defects and poor health. Anyway, if you stayed for that, thank you for listening to my spill of lore Edited at August 7, 2022 08:13 PM by ScardeyKat

The widdle baby biologist in me says, "nooo :(" but the tiny toddler artist in me says, "yEs gO fOR iT BOIII!!?!" I enjoyed the lore. :)

PFFT- in this house, we feast on lore ^^ Yuketa said: The widdle baby biologist in me says, "nooo :(" but the tiny toddler artist in me says, "yEs gO fOR iT BOIII!!?!" I enjoyed the lore. :)

And it's freaking delicious. XD

 Finished piece for Desitnations End! Sorry it took so long. Also, i'm slowly getting to owed art... I've hit a huge slump in art and motivation in general, sorry >.<

 Been a minute huh. I don't really have an excuse for my absence other than life just getting in the way. Haven't drawn much either, but here are just a few pieces I've completed in these few months. Still won't be active and will only be online to really just keep my account from deleting. Anyways, heres a piece of Travis that i drew! Hope everyone is having a great fall!

 Here's the most recent Travis drawing. Didn't come out like I wanted but I did like the pose.

 A comic I did for my school newspaper

I love these, thank you. The comic is a mood lol.