They all meet at school something happens where Widows character becomes suspicious of nyko and decides to follow him into the forest, watches him transform and discovers the pack or something like that.
Alright. Cool. ~ ... Can't wait for Brandon to figure this out. With my first post, it's kind of obvious where I'm going to go with this... Sorta.
My first post is up with all three of my characters mine is pretty long as well x.x
Widow i understand why yours is long you got 3 characters but no one has to post that long replies. I no I'm not.
I post long posts from habit, I have sorta needed to write long posts to compensate with others who write long posts. ~ I've become used to detail and just adding fluff. Cypress Road said: Widow i understand why yours is long you got 3 characters but no one has to post that long replies. I no I'm not.
Fang, Let's form a mutual agreement about what our gremlin children are learning about in History Class.
Good i opened up 2 more spots for teenagers caue we had 2 people wanting to be teens and as soon as we get 1 more elder the sign jps will be closed.
Coolio. The more... ...The Merrier! When is class gonna start? Edited at July 9, 2021 07:01 PM by Fire and Blood~
Whenever someone makes it start. I will make it start in my next post if no one does it before me.