Name - Nikolai
Age - 3
Gender - Male
Hybrid? - Nope
Scent - Orange and blackberry, and a touch of grass
Rank - Scout in Dusk Pack if that's alright (can be classified as Other Members)
Thoughts on Hybrid's Exile - He agrees, but he doesn't make his decision widely known. He pretends to be solidly neutral - that he doesn't care either way, but really... he agrees. But to everyone else, he appears neutral. Like he doesn't want to get caught up in the conflict - which really, he doesn't. He doesn't want to get caught up in the conflict, and if that means he needs to be neutral, so be it. Which is what exactly he's doing.
Deep down though, so deep sometimes even he doesn't realize, he agrees, though. He thinks they're abominations - but he'd never say it to anyone.
Desired Rank - Content
Appearance -
Nikolai wears a slightly off-white coat that forms a natural gradient along his side to resolve in a light brown that covers his tummy and hindquarters. This continues down his tail to form a black tip of it.
The brown flows down his legs, but abruptly changes to four short gark grey (almost black) socks.
Nikolai's underbelly of light brown continues up the underside of his neck, to stop just below the jawline. Here, his cheeks are a continuation of his off-white coat (which also covers the top half of his neck), but he has a greyish-black cap that tops off his head and his ears.
Nikolai sports dark yellow eyes. Set in his off-white coat, this goes in contrast to the rest of his face.
Nikolai's build is slightly more compact than the average wolf's build. He stands slightly smaller than the average male wolf, which he doesn't really like. Often, his fur will be slightly ruffled, partly due to his personality, and partly due to him wanting to appear slightly larger.
Personality -
Nikolai has remarkable stubbornness when it comes to things. Once he's set his mind to doing something, it's remarkably hard to change his mind. This trait has been evident since his early years, and often drove his parents up the wall. This trait isn't as evident as it was before, but is still rather prominent in terms of his personality.
Despite this, he can also be rather socialable. Not to the point of "I'm the coolest in the region and you all know it", but simply being able to have positive interactions with his fellow pack-mates, and viewing them with mutual respect for their abilities - no matter who they are. He has integrity - and loyalty too, for that matter. Nikolai is willing to follow an alpha, or be loyal to, anyone that he believes is doing the right thing. When they're not doing the right thing, however... Nikolai prefers to more or less kind of stand off. Unless it directly affects him (and this applies to much more than alphas), he will just kind of stand off and be the silent observer and judger.
Nikolai, as stated earlier, also often comes with ruffled fur. The first part is his compact build - the second is that due to his compact build, he is more likely to try squeeze through smaller, tighter gaps simply because he can. While a larger, older wolf would have difficulty in doing so, it only gets Nikolai's coat ruffled.
Doing such things has evoked a natural curiosity in Nikolai. He gets curious about the more minute aspects of life, and things he finds along his way. He simply wants to know more of the world around him. This contributes to his appearance, by either usually appearing rufled, or slightly dusty.
However, he has an innate possessiveness of things that he thinks are "his", for example, a sleeping spot that he classifies as "his". This is where many of his main disputes will come around - his stubbornness contributes to the feeling that "this is mine and you can't touch it!" Mainly small trivial things, it rarely slops over into major disputes, but occasionally can.
Nikolai, in terms of standing and mindset, is a very much "in the middle" kind of person. In terms of dominance, he'd usually sit somewhere in the higher ranks, but not enough to garner a special role or position. He's fine just living life as the main pack, but he'd sit somewhere in the higher sections of that role.
And in terms of mindset, he's very... neutral. If the pack wants more progressionism, he'll accept it. If it's more conservationalism, he'll accept it. In terms of progression versus conservation, he sits almost exactly in the center of it - he just doesn't want to get involved in the disputes. He's fine where he is, and with no need to endanger anything by going either side, he's content to sit in the middle - and usually quite unwilling to budge from his position. This may attract attrition from both sides for him, but as long as he doesn't get on anyone's bad side majorly, he's content.
Strengths -
- Curiosity. Nikolai is naturally curious about the world, and this trait persists far past his puphood. This is simply something he is naturally doing, andn ot something honed.
- Defending - both mentally and physically. Nikolai is physically capable of defending things that he loves, and is also mentally equipped in verbal battles. While built on the more compact side of things, Nikolai is still able to pack decent punch against things he deems threatening.
Weaknesses -
- Stubbornness. Nikolai is remarkably stubborn (as stated before) when it comes to things. Once he is completely convinced that something is right, it's remarkably difficult to get him to change his mind. He gerenally judges people significantly harder on first impressions, and with a stubborn will, will continue to judge them similarly, despite if they show otherwise.
- Unnecessary (and often trivial) things.
Nikolai, on occassion, will be bogged down in his thinking by the most trivial matters. Rather than accepting it and going on, he will try to find a flaw in it (as his stubbornness shows). When everyone has already moved onto another topic, Nikolai will still be attempting to nit-pick the previous argument, and so on.
Crush - Open
Mate - See above
Offspring - Nuh uh, not yet
Affilations - to be added
Other - Nikolai's favourite season, like mine, is Autumn. He loves the leaves and loves digging through them for no reason other than it's really fun.