Granted, but it appears with new appearances every time; scratches, cuts, distorted, good as new, etc! -- I wish I was not the wish granter.. there are too many wishes to grant!!
granted but you no longer exist i wish that i didn't need to be vacinated to be able to do stuff
Granted, but now you cannot enter places that require vaccinations because your ability is a secret from the world. -- I wish that I was an incredible singer of everything that I listen to, and I could display my talent if I wanted to.
Granted, but people are jealous and envy you and only try and bring you down. Some even want to kill for your talent. ~~ I wish I could catch up on all my schoolwork
Granted but now your behind on current events and drama so you have absolutely no idea whats happening in your school. ------------- I wish that I had an unlimited amount of fruit snacks and caparisons.
granted but you can never eat/drink them i wish for a steak for breakfast
Granted, but you just killed a friend and everyone is judging you for the timing; in addition to that, your steak will be $139! -- I wish that I just ate the most perfect donut (no side effects)! 😃 (seriously though, these donuts that I have been getting from the store taste more stale every day 🤮)
Granted, but any other donut you eat will make you sick ~~ I wish I could spend more time with my family
Granted, but the time isn't exactly the most enjoyable. -- I wish that I had a pet demon. 🐈
Granted, but now all your other pets a demons too. ~~ I wish I could sleeping