Granted! But you never use them. -- I wish I knew what a normal life was like!
Granted, but you're extremely disappointed ~~~~~~~~~ I wish I wasn't tired right now
granted but you always feel like you are tired no matter how much sleep you get. i wish to ba a norse god
granted but you always feel like you are tired no matter how much sleep you get. i wish to ba a norse god
Granted, but you get stuck in the ages of Norse Gods and die there, never seeing the modern world again. -- I wish to live in a perfect universe with no negative consequences/effects! Edited at August 6, 2023 10:34 PM by Jack Frost
Granted, but this game and any game, book, movie, etc. that have anything negative or negative consequences of the characters actions no longer exist. ~~~~~ I wish I could learn every language and be able to comprehend and speak it fluently.
granted but you are now deaf and blind i wish I could be a norse giant
Granted, but your the only one of your kind and Avery one hates you and tries to kill you. ~~ I wish I could get on a good sleep schedule
Granted, but it interferes badly with your day schedule. -- I wish that I had no wishes.
Granted but now your the wish granter. ------------- I wish that I didn't have to take my violin to school everyday and it would just appear there and then back home after school. Edited at April 11, 2022 09:55 AM by Greenfall